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Everything posted by BowserBasher

  1. Bah. Only cause Smash doesn’t care who deserves it, it giveth and it taketh away.
  2. Man that was a great match. Was getting tense and either of us had that match. @Glen-i even said over VC that I deserved the win.
  3. Great games, my only win came from the guy that destroys the world. And fun impromptu final match was fun.
  4. There is a small chance we may get one. Universal Studios are in very early talks to build a theme park in Bedfordshire. There were open meetings with anyone that wanted to attend over the last few weeks in Bedford and it seems from all accounts that the people that attended had no objections. there's still a long way to go and they need approval from government or something and then they can start building (they already have the land earmarked, and a bit of extra land they can purchase too.) If they get the go ahead, it could be around 5 years until opening.
  5. Just remember it’s American television. They have a lot more ads per hour than we do. But yeah when I watch RAW I can get through it in around 2 hours by fast forwarding all the ads and even more if you do the same for recaps and stuff (though they seem a lot less than in the past). Also love the new World Tag Titles, I expected the change to go inline with the men’s and women’s belts on RAW being named World too. Guess we’ll be seeing new WWE Tag Team belts on smackdown Friday.
  6. Great fun. And some great matches @RedShell to start the night off. You had the perfect Mii to counter Sephiroth’s moves there in that first fight, even then it was close. Some very funny moments throughout the night.
  7. Great night of racing. That made up for the previous race (which @Glen-i has a video of), and the start of the race when he landed on me with a banana.
  8. This WrestleMania may go down as one of the greatest ever. From the first match of night 1 to the main event last night, I think it was almost perfect. Perfect in a WrestleMania should be this way. WrestleMania has always been the culmination of stories. In the past we’ve had some where it just didn’t seem to finish anything and you get the same story continuing. Well it seems that the new direction is exactly how it should be going. Not for getting NXT Stand and Deliver which was also a great show from top to bottom.
  9. Right no idea how to do that boost on that damn game without slowing to a crawl. Even after you guys said to let go of A after the start. Looks like I’m off to search.
  10. This would have been a perfect game to have the VR Labo incorporated into.
  11. You'd think @Ike had it in for me after that first replay.
  12. Here's that strange little end to the race that I was trying to explain @Glen-i and @S.C.G
  13. Some great races, shame about the disconnect as that was shaping up to be a very close finish. Anyway... So as I say in the Tweet, I get the YAY as if I hit someone but can't believe that it was that throw. @Glen-i did say he got hit over VC but thought it was from in front that he ran over it. So I had to go into MKTV, set it to me, hits and 60 seconds. And low and behold this beauty... Greatest Throw Ever.
  14. Thanks for the great games. Most were nice and close with a number of sudden death matches. And then we still had some run away victories.
  15. So you may or may not know but Lariat is a wrestling move. It’s pretty much just a clothesline but one that is used as a wrestlers signature move. So anyone would use a clothesline, just throw your opponent into the rope, when he comes back put your arm out to the side (keeping the arm straight) and clothesline him. Sometimes it’s the one doing the clothesline doing the running. However those that up the clothesline to a Lariat and use it as a signature or finisher tend to put a bit more into it. Usually the Lariat is done with the one performing it doing the running. They also tend to put more force or motion into it. So instead of just putting the arm out they will swing the arm or their whole body into the other person sometimes almost wrapping the arm around the neck and shoulders of the opponent. Thus making it look a lot more powerful and devastating.
  16. I can be on early if you want a few 1v1 games @Glen-i even just 10 minutes.
  17. Better late than never OK I had to go into MKTV to get this one, it's not as great as if it would have been recorded in the race but @Dcubed I don't think recorded it.
  18. Just bought the game after completing my first Hyper mode run. After you get past the starting few games and get some of the power ups powered up, the game really does start to shine.
  19. One thing to remember, and I can’t remember if it has been bought up in the live action yet, is that if the Avatar dies whilst in the Avatar State then the line can be broken and no new Avatar will be called on. Maybe the Fire Nation knew this and was hoping to kill him whilst he was in that state. Though one other option, which is mentioned in the animated show, at one point the Fire Nation had captured Aang, and was keeping him locked up (I think it was when we first saw the Blue Spirit) one of the guards, or it may have been the one in charge, told Aang that they had no intention of killing him as he would just be reincarnated as the next Avatar in the cycle and the Fire Nation would just have to start their hunt again. So my guess is they would have tried to find out who the Avatar was either before invading or whilst capturing some Air Nomads and then capture Aang during that first attack. Thus no new Avatar and Aang would just be held prisoner by the Fire Nation leaving them free to invade the other nations and take the victory.
  20. I was in that boat a few days ago too. Played a bit more and taking hints from here about going after one weapon and upgrading, trying to get as many coins in a game I managed to upgrade a few items. Not sure if I just got better or if the Library level is just easy but get that unlocked. First time I played it I got to about 25 minutes and think I maxed out all my weapons. Racked up like 2,000 coins in the game too as I got some coin shower thing where killing enemies gave me coins. Played a couple more games and both time got to the 30 minute mark, I’m assuming what happens when you get there in unavoidable on normal levels. But each time I had all weapons maxed and was getting a bag of coins per level up which was like every 10 seconds, Garlic, Bible books and the healing item make it seem like you’re invincible. I think I’ll pay the £3.39 for this as it does make for a good hour time waster (yesterday I had wasted two hours just like that.)
  21. Yep. Been doing the same, a rewatch of the animated show and just finished Book Two. So much story told but it never feels overwhelmed. It moves along at a great pace and sets up Book 3 perfectly. Im a few episodes into Book 3 now. Usually watching two or three at a time.
  22. So I got this on the iPad as it was free when everyone was raving about it but just couldn’t get into it and would die within a few minutes. Decided to give it a go on Switch cause of the free trial, thought maybe using an actual controller may help. Well it certainly does, managed to last a lot longer and even break 10 minutes within a few tries. But damn, I have no idea what I’m doing when it comes to powering up things and what to pick. Best I’ve found so far is to get the garlic power up item. Other than that I just end up running around avoiding things and just picking a new weapon. May decide to buy it one day.
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