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Everything posted by James

  1. It turned into mindless posting yonks ago, Whens the Pro Evo 6 Demo gonna be out!!!!
  2. He does it for attention cookyman, have you seen the band he likes. Bought the album, been waiting for it ever since Hot Fuss came out. Got little listen in the car prety impressed by it, probs will grow onto me even more than Hot Fuss did.
  3. Im not chugging through 11 pages but play have taken about 7000 preorders so far, thier biggest order for any newly released games console.
  4. Defeat that loon in the gun shop, pick up 3 shotguns and bobs your uncle, made my life easier. Completed it today opened up Overtime mode which is way hard. Damn special forces.
  5. Its not classic Kung Fu, but Ong Bak is a sweet sweet movie.
  6. Is number one Castle Of Illusion starring Mickey Mouse.
  7. It works for a start. Its a lot smoother, everything is fluid. Have you set up dashboard expose? great for getting to your desktop quickly or selecting other programs quickly. I suggest you do.
  8. Your forgetting Ford is always right wether he is wrong or not, much like a woman.
  9. Awww man you sound really down in the dumps, I hope it gets better for you.
  10. Go to a proper printing company, look in your yellow pages. They will prety much be able to do any size for you.
  11. here is the gif You tubed http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G-RlDju5N6A
  12. Yeah but the keeper wasn't in nets, Harper was. apparently he just welted it. Power shot not lob.
  13. Yeah I just read BBC text thing. 35+ yards(from own half)!! Fuck Its gonna be good
  14. Am I allowed another go?
  15. Quessie 8 is Fargo - Kristin Rudrüd
  16. That zelda one is teh sex.
  17. They werent exactly hidden political messages, It was fairly obvious who the film was aimed at.: peace:
  18. I gotta go to work in leik five minutes. noooooo.
  19. Dec 7th in AUS, I'll say someone already beat me do I dont have to edit.
  20. Well atleast eurogamer is updating for you guys, I just get the first message posted at 11.55.
  21. The Problem with Ricky Gervais is all he can do is Ricky Gervais, Get stuck in awkward cringe worthy moment, and lets take pop at something non PC. Oh Ha Ha. Watch curb your enthusiasm you swines.
  22. Oh my god they have to add extra dates, Shirley showing that it sold out in ten mins shows they can make even more moolah by playing more dates.
  23. Oh god this game sounds as much fun as ripping my liver out with a rusty hook.
  24. He will of been trying to self promote the "Hoff" product he so thinks he has.
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