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Everything posted by James

  1. Well PS1 games were just CD-R's so all of them should work tbh, Im not sure about DC, as they used there own type of disk, forgotten what it was called.
  2. Daytona Arcade FTW.
  3. The original GTA did. Kiss Kiss Bang Bang
  4. Are you people getting a check your setting or your account is invalid thing or something different. My brother can get on but he's on silver. Must be invalid just realized my gamer-card wont show.
  5. You should be saying WOT? to why a fucking mobile game won the gamers award.
  6. The Killers - Mr Brightside (The White Duke Dub Mix) choooooooooon.
  7. My mate used that veet stuff around his nipples, he now has two perfect circles of nothing and it all looks very lol. Works very well apparently.
  8. Cant get on either mate, does that thing like you said or just attempts to join a game for the best part of my life.
  9. Meh im kinda tempted but not, will it have the same sexual feeling as the DC and GC games had, will people offer me monomates when I ask for one!!!
  10. ZOORMG Is this the drunken squirrel from c-e days!!! Best sig eva.
  11. This bad boy dropped in this morning, schwing!!!!
  12. It doesn't appear to be HD for a start.
  13. I was saying google video is all messy and rubbish, it fell out the ugly tree and hit every branch.
  14. Have you seen what google video is like compared to Youtube. Its messy and all over the place. Although Youtube made a stink load of money, I am gonna miss all the copyrighted stuff that gets posted on there.
  15. I aim at the sensor bar, fuck that for a game of soldiers!!! Its about 1 cm think.
  16. As said in South Park meets WoW, "They have no life"
  17. Lack of wolfmother disappoints me, they play classic rock!!
  18. Ok so I been playing oblivion quite a bit, finally have become head of thieves guild. Can I do anything, like order the peasants to steal me "might of blinding light + 10" Or do I just get free lock pics. and what is with the hood I got given and what does the attribute Feather do for you. I need answers!!, please.
  19. On the HD TV Ash likes, the Guardian reviewed about 6 HD tv's and I think it came first or second. because its CRT doesn't mean its crap. Plus its cheap as chips.
  20. Unfortunately they made the computer AI thick as shit even on platinum level. Way way easier than PGR2.
  21. Good episode tonight, gotta agree with Noddleman. Ronnie Corbert doing coke was lol.
  22. Joining the thieves guild in Oblivion is the bomb. You get a black/hood armour thingy and you can play the whole game ninja styleeeeeee.
  23. Yeah the drifting in Carbon is well shit, Its way to easy to take the car into a drift, No use of the handybrake is required. The customization is prety cool though.
  24. QFT, 10x as good as the simpsons.
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