It could generally to be with your players stats, or wether your player is leaning back or not, I had this problem but I kinda got used to how to shoot properly, I cant explain it how to do it, it just kinda starts working.
Are you not the dick with your pointless ass arguments, Who gives a shit if different people like different things, why does it bother you so much. It shouldn't but it does, why?
I can connect to the Pro Evo servers, but I cant join any games for some absurd reason, Would anyone like to add me and see if I can play when I get an invite, Ta la.
You cant edit teams on pro evo 6, well the 360 version at least. which is a bit ghey. Players look so much better than Fifa 06, which look like some sort of goblins. Iam loving it though, i think its tops.
I always saw good reviews for this, bought it and thought it was prety shiiit. Maybe it was because I was prety tired while watching it. Never kept me gripped as say V for Vendetta.
Anyone else get that Rainbow Six demo, I quite liked it, disappointed by the lack of voice commands, but enjoyed using the snake cam and picking out the targets for easy pickings. Probably will end up buying this.
Shouldn't you of just answered his question properly or not answered it at all if your not sure what the problem might. After all its sounds like a serious problem and I suspect he wanted a serious answer.
I was gonna say it could be the screen having problems refreshing after something fast happens such as your explosions, but you say it has a refresh rate of 8ms so I presume thats quite fast, You havent got the plugs in the HD holes or anything like that, tried using the scart connector and not the RGB cables?