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Everything posted by James

  1. A Night On the Town - Awesome film that has me and my brother laughing all the time. Its so cheesy. "Dont fuck with the baby sitter" 9/10
  2. always keep an eye out for save points and when ever you do anything major. save the fucker.
  3. Our school was prety boring except the time about 200 pupils went on "strike", Is that possible? because of saturday detentions which was an urban legend that passed round the school like wild fire. Hilarious seeing the teachers with the walkie talkies running about probably shouting stuff like Code red and we got a bandit at ten o' clock.
  4. Pro Evo 6 baby
  5. From the first post, do not think its been answered. Im prety sure you can use GMail though the mail program. You might get iLife free with your mac book I got it free for my Mac Mini, It has garage band a cool sound making/editing suite and a very powerful one at that.
  6. Crank was rather terrific for being what it is, action just kept on moving swiftly and had its comedy moments. 8/10
  7. Not for you, I imagine you had an orgasm hearing that news, you sexy little swine.
  8. Taste's like skank.
  9. OMG Dead Rising save scheme is a fucking shambles. Constantly been playing through the same bit, Watching same crappy cut scenes because you cant save it wherever you want. Oh and I keep dying rather lamely and being generally forgetful when it comes to finding save points.
  10. I saw the Arctic Monkeys at leeds festival and was quite surprised and prety impressed by them. They were not as good a Muse though who blew everyone away.
  11. I bought the Killers album the day of release way way back. Because you mentioned it to someone on mIRC. Didn't even here one song before I bought and its become one of my favorite albums. Thank You Shorty.
  12. That is quite possibly the best thing I have seen in ages. But since its a still image and an LCD screen, would there not be a problem of the image "burning" onto the screen?
  13. You sure? Russia have Guus Hiddink, tactically up there with the best, gets the best out of his team. Croatia is a team full of brick shit houses who made a prety damn good account of themselves at the World Cup.
  14. Cant believe some people dont know what this game is, It was the highest point of internet sex way back at cube-europe.
  15. I dont get it at all................
  16. Its to do with the fact that if West Ham(MSI), Receive bids for both these players over 35 million. West Ham have to sell them or pay MSI the 35 Million to keep them. If they do sell them West Ham will receive very little in terms of profit. So basically West Ham(MSI) are just pimping these players for bigger clubs, quite a farce.
  17. To the FA and Fifa I imagine. Its quite funny since the reports yesterday were that Man Ure were gonna sign these two players.
  18. Something slightly fishy going on since tevez is at least rated at around £20 million, and we all know West Ham dont have that kind of money. Cant believe it myself. FISHY FISHY. adding that the fee and "all other aspects of the transfers will remain confidential and undisclosed"
  19. the first two games were boring and generic, The flood, the floooooooooooood!!
  20. Wheres this pro evo 6 demo talk for the 360 coming from. Its making me horny.
  21. Was everyone just ripping the piss out of the film?
  22. Ok its a V Festival thread but I am going to leeds fes next week. woo. Bought my ticket of ebay for 180 of my finest silver. Cant bloody wait.
  23. River Island, Debenhams or House of Fraser, I buy a few tees from http://www.terratag.com aswell.
  24. Not really impressed with his Holland displays but his goal scoring record speaks for itself. Good buy I think and someone to add competition for crouchy.
  25. Man this is practically the meaningless post thread, well if you count Ashley's submissions to it:kiss: Im going to the pub and do the quiz tonight. We cheat at it as-well, the shame.
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