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Everything posted by James

  1. Don't worry dyson more mores stuff will come back to you as the week goes on. The Horror.
  2. This deserve an OMFG. Cant believe they put someone with tourettes in.
  3. http://forums.nintendo.com/nintendo/board/message?board.id=revolution&message.id=1159528
  4. ha, the replays clearly show Lehman held onto his ankle. Intent or not, he was last man and had to be sent off.
  5. That's one crazy house, love the chandelier outside. Might watch it and see who's coming in, my guesses are. Big Breasted woman Gay Man Token Black Man Chav woman/man of sorts
  6. Everyone has to do it. What happens if the winner is the person hasn't paid his money, slightly unfair.
  7. Well the problem is, we have picked the teams, so Im not gonna put a quid in anymore.
  8. You guys are aware of a lack of prize does make this utterly pointless. dont you?
  9. Same old Arsenal always cheating, Eboue should have been sent off for a second book-able after that twist and turn pike dive. Barca are gonna rip them second half, worth a £20 bet aswel
  10. Why dont we all throw in an old game we dont want/like/is shit and the winner gets all of them. Or just put a £1 in each.
  11. You cant choose, thats the rules. If your team wins the world cup you win. Im in though.
  12. They are. Im prety sure its AC, Juve, Lazio and Fiorentina that are up for investigation. Buffon could be banned for placing a bet of 50k on a game. It is illegal in italy for footballers to bet on any games. Hey it wouldn't be Italian football without a bit of scandal going on.
  13. Reina's first penalty save against Zamora was quality. Outstretched to the full, just quality. Knew Anton Ferdinand would miss coz he's a cocky **** like his brother. Same twatty hair? Check. Same twatty celebration? Check. Same shit penalties? check.
  14. I went to the cinema to see this on the basis my mate saw the trailer and thought it was funny. (The Trailer failed to show any singing). What a load of fucking shite. Unfunny and totally fucking bollocks. Good job my mate paid me in and said half way through the film I didn't have to pay him back.
  15. West Ham did score 3 flukey goals where as the mighty pool scored 3 "proper" goals. Good game, in the walkabout watching it, the place erupted when Gerrard banged in the 3rd, what a fucking goal. and reina's finger tip save onto the post was awesome.
  16. Not worse, but getting old, and the lack of girlfriend activity always worries me. But thats all soon to change.
  17. I see Juve are in a bit of a crisis. The entire board has quit after it was revealed the director, Moggi, asked for certain referees for Serie A and Champ League games.
  18. plus its a chix0r playing.
  19. The Fish, thats the artwork from the Press Releases.
  20. agree with you guys, they should of released all the good songs, into one album, making it one hell of a fan-fucking-tastic album. But I enjoy it. and it wasnt exactly more expensive coz it was on 2 discs.
  21. DS Air is a straight rip from Ace Combat: Squadron Leader i could swear I have played some of those levels seen in the PS2 game. Namco should sue, honestly straight copy.
  22. http://wii.nintendo.com/ video player now up, shows games!!!! on the main page, under griping games.
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