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Everything posted by ViPeR

  1. It's my game of the year to be honest. Nothing else has given me so much fun. There was nothing better than when everyone was still new to it and getting shitted up at every horde. Pure comedy.
  2. Well I was wrong about you not getting anything on Easy. I wasn't wrong about it refusing to give you some achievements. I completed the 2nd campaign 2 times before it gave me the completion achievement. When you try and get the pistols only one DON'T use the minigun. That's what cost it me, picking up other weapons is fine as long as you don't use them. All that said and done, there is more to this game than achievements. You'll find this after the first few months. You won't care about them at all. The only reason I care about them now is that I have played it to death and need some goal for playing it through for the 20th time :P
  3. Shame, would have liked to have played Streets of Rage 3 on XBLA. No deal.
  4. It's scarily true. I played Rogue Leader the other day and was still amazed and how good it looks. There are some 360 games which have looked worse. Hopefully the talent won't get lost and some other studio will snap up some of the developers.
  5. Mine came today from Play. Was not expecting that at all. I'm enjoying it so far, like wolfy said it is quite easy. I'm hoping it'll pick up a bit but to be honest it's just fun to play and gorgeous to look at. For £17 i'm not going to complain. Also is it me or does the music have a very epic, John Williams score, about it. Great
  6. Just bought this off of Play.com. It's still £17.99 by the way. Bargain at that price but I won't get it until the new year now.
  7. I hate this yearly update crap. It shouldn't be the end of developers just because they don't want to adhere to it. I preferred it when they took their time and produced quality titles. I think this whole situation brings up another argument of whether mainstream culture embracing gaming has been a benefit or hindrance? If you think about the 80's and 90's, the market was so small games HAD to be good to be successful. There was no real room for failure, cheap ports, add ons. Now the market is so insanely huge you can churn out shit after shit and even if only 20% buy it that's still enough. Just look at Ubisoft over the past few years. This is a developer that actually did have quality titles and ideas but has descended into crap, because they can. It's too much about making a game that can sell rather than a game that the developers truly want to make. In a bizarre way this recession may be a good thing. I think this year has shown that no game and no developer is safe from failure and in a time like this developers can't shrug it off so easily. Perhaps this will bring them back down to earth and the fear of crap sales will force them inject a little more soul and passion into the development again...
  8. Thing is I may have at least bought it if it were on 360. Just to judge for myself as Second Sight was apparently shit but I enjoyed it. I wonder how much money they got for keeping it exclusive.
  9. So it turns out they're in Administration and have been whittled down to a skeleton crew. Good news is TS4 is still going to continue then. I'm hoping the reason it didn't get picked up by publishers was that it was in its early stages, not because it looked shit...
  10. They should have just stuck TS2 and 3 onto XBLA. That would've solved their problems.
  11. I guess everyone can cross off Timesplitters 4 off of their list if the news is true.
  12. The Terminator films are classic, apart from that 3rd spin off one which wasn't technically part of the official storyline because it wasn't Jim Cameron. Just some loser who should be fired from writing. Don't let Fierce_Link hear you say that about Alien 3, it's his favourite film. I agree about Hicks and Newt, that's just terrible storytelling. They spent the WHOLE of Aliens trying to frigging survive the ordeal and eventually they do. What happens? They're killed in the cheapest of ways at the start of the next one. The argument that it makes Ripley more isolated and grief stricken is bollocks. There are other ways that could have been done, it's just lazy storytelling.
  13. Ah excellent. I didn't know that thanks.
  14. I'm really not liking the Japan campaign mainly because I don't like the units. Do they have any friggen anti air defences??
  15. Oh right, can't say i've noticed any of that business going on. I do only play with friends though.
  16. Not sure what you mean by 'hacking'? I've noticed I get owned a lot in versus as the opposite team seem to have no respawn time what so ever. Though I don't play VS much. The game is awesome just with 4 people going through campaigning it up. Just don't plan to get achievements because it never happens.
  17. The achievements are so fucked in this game. The amount of times it's refused to give them for one reason or another is ridiculous. Today we discovered you don't get any playing through on Easy, despite it not being easy at all (A tank a level? nice). I've also played through with just pistols and I didn't get anything, that was on Normal mode. So apparently even if you pick up another weapon you don't get it. Yeh thanks.
  18. Awesome. Owned.
  19. LMFAO!!! I don't know why I find Eggfaces' first song hilarious. Not in a good way.
  20. Something weird happened earlier. We've played the first campaign to death and had got to the finale loads of times but something would always happen. So we decided sod it, start a new game and just do the finale. We did it and my mate got the 'Hide from the witch' and 'Completed No Mercy' achievements (I'd already got both). I don't get this considering we'd only done the finale itself, we didn't go through the entire campaign although we had done before.
  21. Does anyone know if you have to do the entire campaign from start to finish to get the achievement. Say for example you get kicked just before the end, like my mate did, will it register he's done levels 1-4 and only has to do the last?
  22. Awesome episode and I kinda saw it coming after Self left them. Just seemed too perfect. As much as I like the series they're dragging out Micheal missing his surgery too much. Get it bloody done!!
  23. Just got the 'Jump shot' achievement and I wasn't even trying (Headshotting a hunter in midair). Similarly my mate tried to get the headshot the witch achievement. He went up to her with a sniper rifle and shot her in the face and didn't get it. I think the reason for that is she has to be startled and then shot in the face. Who knows. This game is awesome though. You always get one friend who is just too cautious and keeps backtracking to explore ending up in death for all.
  24. Yeh definitely get a replacement. That disc seems buggered.
  25. Looks like it might be the CD, but i'd check with someone with more technical know how.
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