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Everything posted by bob

  1. The transfer market is rubbish, you have no say on what the players get to be called! How crappy is that!? Sure, he might be a 18-6 with a training cone and leadership skills, but is he called Bob?
  2. I'm very confused now.
  3. Why sack him four games from the end?
  4. bob


    I miss the pun thread.
  5. Well it's only £6 I think, so if you get a few hours out of it is reasonably good value. If they release the multi-player it'll increase the longevity too.
  6. Visiting my home town (Bangor) for the weekend, and god is it still a shithole. All the shops have gone other than four or five huge supermarkets, and everything else is just so depressing.
  7. Dat tortoise balancing! As Flink would say; hhhnnnnnnnnnggggg!!!
  8. You can not. Thems the rules.
  9. Guys, why don't you take this outside. No one else cares, and you've gone off topic.
  10. Fuck that. I'm not a Chelsea fan, but I don't want Liverpool to run away with it. I want nail-biting final matches dammit!
  11. bob


    Or MalaySEO...
  12. Now I want a nice, refreshing cold bottle of Fuck That.
  13. That's no moon...
  14. According to Avenue Q, it is a racist term. That's all I know.
  15. Says every fan of every team. Ever. Not that I want Man City to win over Liverpool, but i'm kind of disappointed that they drew. I want this one to go down to the last day of the season. Same with the battle for fourth, Europa League and relegation.
  16. Ah but remember, next season bob will be in the middle league (100% confirmed), so those 3 Elite will have a headache trying to get back up.
  17. Please see my comment on the football thread about all fans being dicks. I'm not wrong.
  18. Wow. Such doge!
  19. Pfff, i could beat Eights while playing 2-4-2. I would only need 8 of my best strikers.
  20. Don't like what they've done with the opening sequence in Season 4...
  21. Ignore everything Peeps said it's rubbish. Concentrate on trying to get as many strikers on the pitch as possible, and tell them to push high up the pitch and just pound the goal. Xpert is limited in that it won't let you put more than 3 (i think?) strikers on at once, but that's ok, you can just add midfielders and tell them to attack too. Defenders are pointless. Imagine Liverpool against Swansea. Try a 2-5-3 formation. You can bring on more attacking options via substitutions, but Xpert will only let you make subs after the 45 minute mark, so use them wisely. Three careful changes can turn that 2-5-3 into a 0-6-4, or "The Inverse Spain" as it is known. Think Sherwood not Villas Boas. That'll get you through. Good luck.
  22. Well don't expect any points from me, but i'm sure others will happily give you some. Jimbob for instance.
  23. I laugh at the idea that Toure has a weaker foot. If he does, he's been using it all this time to protect everyone from being destroyed by his stronger one.
  24. Nice. Looking forward to this season I think!
  25. Ah good. Glad to hear that these things stay put when you're not watching them. Like the light in the fridge, or a gif that goes off the edge of the screen.
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