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Everything posted by bob

  1. In case you were still feeling low, pictures of pugs always cheer me up. Here is one in a life jacket (complete with pug carry handles)
  2. Ah yes, very clever. That's exactly what I meant, i was just....testing.
  3. Can you play the Wii U with the original wii motes?
  4. I actually have no idea what you mean, but if I inadvertently did a pun, then it was clever and I meant it.
  5. I thought it was supposed to be Welsh!
  6. Remember that it may just be you perceiving them excluding you when actually they are doing nothing of the sort. It may just be paranoia.
  7. Oh yeeeeeah?! Why don't you come down here and say that!
  8. I've reached the stage when I start googling around checking prices. It won't be long now before I fold...
  9. Looking real boring in the Middle League you mean; only six goals! Rubbish.
  10. What if the book is about a smokey cat, huh guys? I think you are too quick to presume.
  11. Ah it might be one of the other ones that I've seen then. Definitely remember seeing another one which I didn't recognise, and assumed it was book 4...
  12. Very nice. But couldn't you take a photo without that awful red one in the way?
  13. OK cool. The first few books are quite cheap anyway, so once I've read all the Gentleman Bastard series, I'll go back and try again. I'd read that it was a great series, but nothing I read in The Gunslinger made me agree with that.
  14. I don't understand how the Ladies league works, how come they have their cup final midway through the season?
  15. Does it get better though, cause the first one was just a load of nonsense that didn't go anywhere...
  16. Oh happy birthday canand too!
  17. Thanks dude I'm heading over there tomorrow to see him and my gran. It's going to be a rubbish weekend..
  18. I picked those up because the protagonist is called Pug. They're pretty good! There's a new one out soon right?
  19. I recently read The Gunslinger by Stephen King, and it were rubbish. Then I read The Lies of Locke Lamora by Scott Lynch and it were really good. Reading the second one now.
  20. I'd be up for creating a random new team for a mini tournament.
  21. I have no idea what floorwalking is but it sounds dangerous.
  22. Found out yesterday that my grandad has liver cancer. There's not much they can do and so he's probably only got a few weeks. I probably wouldn't feel too bad (he's had a good life etc) but I can't stop thinking about how my gran is feeling. They've been married for 73 years...
  23. I saw this tonight and thought it was great. I do have a question though which I can't be arsed to spoiler from my phone; Is there any link between the Sentinels from the future and the giant robot thingy from Thor 1? They seemed very similar indeed, especially the face opening melty thing.
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