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Everything posted by bob

  1. As Ashley said, the control on immigration doesn't bother me (like you said, it's probably not going to change much). What I'm scared about is that racists in this country now seem to believe that 52% of the country agree with them, and all the shame of being a racist in public appears to have disappeared. Whatever happens politically in the future, I'm not sure what we can do to solve that problem. That ship has sailed, letting the cat out of the bag and allowing the horse to bolt as it does so.
  2. Yeah I agree large dungeons are more 'Zelda', which is why I've never enjoyed a Zelda game very much. But if the mini ones is true, perhaps it would sway my to trying this one.
  3. Hang on, are you calling Keanu Reeves a deplorable cuntbag?
  4. The length of the dungeons in Zelda always put me off. I'd rather have 50 minidungeons than 10 huge ones. I can maybe fit in 1 hour of gaming at a time, and it always annoyed me that I got sent back to the dungeon entrance each time in previous Zeldas. It's nice to pop on, do a couple of tasks, and pop off.
  5. I made the mistake of reading through more Brexit racism accounts on Facebook and now I'm all depressed at work.
  6. Hence the U.
  7. I thought everyone knew the Leave camp didn't have a plan. They pretty much said as much before the vote, but it got lost among all the shit flinging.
  8. Isn't Dany Jon's aunt? Its all a bit weird tbh.
  9. I'd stay in Scotland if I were you. It's absolute carnage down here right now.
  10. Still progressing through this. I'm about 40% of the way through according to the title screen. Just came to this thread to express my displeasure with the carriage racing mini game. Fuck the carriage racing mini game. Seriously, it's got the worst rubber banding enemy AI I have ever seen. One race, all the other competitors got into a pile up, and I was about two streets ahead, before the mysteriously all caught up on the final lap and overtook me. Infuriating. Rest of the game still good though. My favourite mission so far was the Tower of London one. So good, that one.
  11. Who are we talking about? Kane or Sterling?
  12. Isn't that Superman with WW hair? Seems legit.
  13. I put some of the blame on The Sun and The Daily Mail, who were allowed to post lies and propaganda purely to sell more copies and make profit.
  14. Have you seen the last season of South Park? He's the Social Justice Warrior who partially takes over the school and South Park for a while.
  15. Interesting stat I heard yesterday. Apparently, 4% of UKIP voters voted to remain.... You guys had one job!
  16. The Power Cube! Fantastic goal. I reckon Switzerland will snick it though if it goes to penalties.
  18. I was only partially joking. That's what I was referring to.
  19. You're next Netherlands!
  20. I suppose the EU works because the rich nations support the poorer ones. You'll notice that all the other nations now clamouring to leave are all the richest ones. If they all vote to leave, it will collapse. It's kind of like if the super rich decided they didn't like paying taxes anymore, and so decided to just stop paying them. Then all the other rich people were like, hey that's a great idea! So they all stop too. And then all the poor people are fucked.
  21. Don't worry, Gove is on his way.
  22. I suppose it depends on the track? Most are down to personal preference. Maybe try both on a track on time trial and which gets you the faster times?
  23. Yeah but we sure stuck it to those goons in Brussels!
  24. Happy birthday! Keep being awesome.
  25. Official results won't be until around 9am tomorrow, once they're done counting the votes.
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