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Everything posted by bob

  1. Walk into any bank or financial institution. Slap a fiver down on the counter. Shout "one shares please!". Leave fiver and walk out.
  2. With a little poof of confetti and a fanfare when opened.
  3. Oh well if we're dumping images...
  4. Anyone else seen Dr Strange yet? I thought it was really good. Some of the visualisations are fantastic! Really enjoyed it, and left me wanting more.
  5. I assume like a black cat? By why not Zubat?
  6. It seems to me that you've made up a problem here, and got very upset about it.
  7. I don't think you get taught the meanings unless you're gay. It's like a cool secret club.
  8. It's quite a small tablet as well, relatively speaking. People use 10" ipads publicly all the time, and this is only 6.5"?
  9. That's....a bit sexist isn't it?
  10. I'm suddenly yearning for a proper 3D Mario game. I hope this is that.
  11. bob

    Battlefield 1

    Yeah, same for me when I saw him the first couple of times. The way he spins humorous stuff from thin air is very clever. However, the last time I saw him, you realise that his 'random' stuff he says tends to follow themes. Although to be fair, that was because audience members kept calling out stuff from his previous shows and he just went with it. But still, he's clearly a very naturally funny guy.
  12. Dressed like Pikachu, not wearing his flayed skin.
  13. bob

    Battlefield 1

    Well-jeal.com Ross is great the first couple of times you see him, although he does tend to get stale after a while. But most comedians do I think.
  14. Maybe you'll have to run and plug the screen into the dock to use the second item.
  15. I feel like every console generation, you get some genius who mods the home consoles to have a screen attached, to make it portable, and everyone says "that's amazing! I want one" And Nintendo, (the absolute madmen) actually did it for real.
  16. Could patch data be saved on a cartridge if they've left enough room too?
  17. I want to see Mario dressed like Pikachu.
  18. I've never had controller lag...perhaps just faulty controllers?
  19. I don't think they flipped the control stick down to match the Xbone and Gamecube. I think they had to put it there so that when you hold the right mini controller it resembles a wiimote. If the control stick was at the top, you would struggle to operate the buttons as they'd be further towards your palm.
  20. I thought it was a good length personally. There was quite a bit shown in terms of activities, graphics etc.
  21. Presumably you don't have to use the controllers in tiny mode. That's only if you want to play with a friend with only one Switch screen. If you and a friend both have one, you have perhaps take your bridged controller over and still play multiplayer with a full sized one?
  22. The D pad is like that so it matches the other side. So the two mini halves are the same for two player gaming.
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