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Everything posted by bob

  1. The power button fell off my Moto phone, but I found there was a two finger swipe gesture that would work until I could order a new button. However, you can't really do this one handed while on the move, so i ended up having to do a combination swipe with my thumb and the tip of my nose to turn the screen off. I think the people in my neighbourhood think i'm weird now, because they would often see me walking past while rubbing my phone across my face.
  2. Wow, what a high price point.
  3. Revenue went up by 10% though. I doubt they'll be crying themselves to sleep over it.
  4. bob


    I feel like they should have left a gap between announcing him leaving and giving his replacement. There's already been a bit of a backlash against Hemsworth, which seems a bit unfair to me - it's not his fault, and he might be quite a good replacement.
  5. Can we keep this on topic please? Let's keep the discussion firmly about ladder sequences.
  6. I'm only 35 and I feel like my body is falling apart. If I get to 100 i'll mostly be bionic parts held together by string.
  7. Well at least we know what all the CGI artists have been working on.
  8. So I finally finished watching Full-metal Alchemist: Brotherhood. It's amazing how different it is to the original. I thought I would be constantly annoyed at the similarities with minor changes, but it's like a completely different show. They get almost all of the original series parts out of the way after like 12 episodes, and the rest is completely brand new. And it's just so much better! The storyline is consistent and not a random mess by the end. I can't fathom how they ended up creating the first series, the whole thing is so bizarre.
  9. Weren't you already super out due to you not owning a console that it's being released on? I think that makes you ultra out now.
  10. This is like the opposite of Nintendo. Everyone complaining they aren't bringing newer consoles onto their catalogue, and Sony have the opposite problem.
  11. Got another bob sprog on the way.
  12. Presumably you mean energy inefficient?
  13. Really? Another female character? More woke SJW political bullshit.
  14. bob


    Equally though, it could be absolutely horren-dean.
  15. Yeah that episode was the best one yet. Loads of great chemistry and funny bits.
  16. They've probably had to adjust his face so that it doesn't look too creepy when talking. Or maybe they did some facial capture of Crisp Rat saying his lines, and this design works best with that.
  17. They've obviously changed him to look more like Crisp Rat.
  18. bob


    Pretty sure it's going to suuuuuuuuuck, but looking forward to it!
  19. You might need to specify which days were the good old days before you draw Glen's ire.
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