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Everything posted by Cookyman

  1. Any Elvana is fucking awesome.... or Brass Against...
  2. An update from my post in May - I finally got my British Airways flight money back yay!
  3. They can do those prices........
  4. "Ooooh Oh, Talking bout Bug Snax" PS+ surely? I'm hoping that Last of us 2: Factions is a launch title!
  5. When I got the PS4 I never once went back to my PS3. I suspect the same will true with the PS5 replacing my PS4. Backwards compatability in my opinion is not a major issue althought Microsoft would strongly disagree with my opinion!
  6. Insanity!
  7. So when is White Chicks being banned? I'm totally shocked with the Wayan brothers putting on "white face" absolutely disgusting! I'm being sacastic but this cancel culture approach to absolutely everything is getting out of hand. I think Mr H sums up it up nicely here.
  8. Naughty Dog cant get a break - Factions has leaked too. Fortunately its a teeny blurry clip.
  9. A great game and a breath of fresh air too.
  10. Oooh Phantasy Star!
  11. Started at 5, you've not missed much
  12. Talking bout Bugsnax.
  13. I genuinely have zero interest for this game. Shame really as the reviews have been positive.
  14. Sadly Naughty Dog have said already that there will be no DLC for this game. However...... They are working on a stand alone version of Factions (The multiplayer game from the Last of Us 1). I'm hoping it's ready for PS5 launch.
  15. Ok then. Oh and just so we're clear just found the following article - The Last Of Us Part 2’ Reviews Say It’s The Best PS4 Exclusive With 44 Perfect Scores. Here's the link. The article I've linked to was from the 12th so that figure has probably went up.
  16. Fantastic GIFs from Naughty Dog.
  17. I was not having a go at anyone although the word problem seems to be a problem for some. I was merely using the Metacritic user scores by the moral majority (read the comments, jeez) in there to create a talking point in here. If the games not for you it's not for you. I think Adam Sandler is an annoying cunt that I'd never get tired of kicking, but some people seem to like him. Horses for courses really.
  18. The game is brutal but it's an 18 certificate so what's the problem? There are some incredibly brutal 18 certificate films but there is no backlash there anymore - thank god we are finally past the video nasties of the 80's and the "ban this sick filth" tabloid headlines for Child's Play 3 when the Bulger murder was headline news in the 90's. We fortunately now live in a society when we can choose our films without moral outrage and hoperfully we can choose our games too although judging by user ratings in Metacritic we have a moral majority who disagree (I'm guessing many of whom don't even have the game).
  19. Well my willpower faded at work today so bought this on digital. The good thing is I had it downloading so when I got home it was good to go. Right, I better get cracking then...
  20. I have a feeling this might be the next Rocket League and from some of the development team that did Wipeout.
  21. It's just coming out in white for launch.
  22. I hope Frank Sidebottom doesnt find the main characther a *deameaning sterotype of northern musicians who wear round masks on their head. *He won't as he's dead.
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