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Everything posted by Cookyman

  1. MIght give The Last of Us Multiplayer a go havent played in years but hopefully PS plus will bring a lot of new players to it.
  2. Looks good doesn't it. I'm looking forward to the multiplayer too as it was fab on the original.
  3. I'm enjoying it, mind you they've patched the shit out of it already.
  4. Onrush, from the makers of Driveclub. Grea,t think of the fun we can have playing this online like we all did with Driveclub.........oh wait. Ah well, fuck you all. I'm looking forward to it.
  5. Check out @Friday13thGame’s Tweet:
  6. Just think we'll all be able to play this excellent online game together as a community.........oh wait
  7. Incoherent bollocks but does have a 68 year old Bionic Woman in the cast.
  8. Really pleased to hear this, I wonder if multiplayer will be received with the same apathy as the first on here? #ofcourseitwill
  9. 6-7 years in development and it's all a bit meh!
  10. I stupidly thought this would not but be my type of game but fuck me it's gorgeous!
  11. Oh ffs!
  12. I'm hanging on until E3 as apparently this and a number of other titles will be reduced.
  13. XCOM 2 is fab I'm sure I recommended it on here but you know how that goes....
  14. I did, which means nobody on here will be interested in this lol.
  15. It's a big day for all of us. After all these years, we are very happy to finally share a release date with you. ... drum roll... Rainbow Skies will launch on the PlayStation Store on June 26 (North America) and June 27 (Europe/Asia). The game will be available simultaneously for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita at a price of US$29.99 / €26.99. To celebrate this important moment, we put together a new trailer, with 100% in-game recorded gameplay material.
  16. One year after the game comes out and we're still getting huge updates like this and a game engine upgrade.
  17. A huge patch comes out this week - can't wait!
  18. As part of the impending, huge update coming to Friday the 13th, Gun Media have released this video showing how the game looks on its new engine. I love the sheer number of updates this game has been getting! I bet you all can't wait! Oh wait this is n-europe "bugger".
  19. Wow, maybe some of you will actually play trackmania.
  20. Yes yes yes yes yes
  21. Eventually finished this today, overall very impressed and a big improvement on the original.
  22. interesting...
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