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Everything posted by Cookyman

  1. Should be working now.
  2. It's a photoshopped pic but what do you think?
  3. Yeah and where was Dead Island 2 lol.
  4. I like the design, deffo not what I was expecting. Brilliant that they have a digital only version I didnt see that coming. So what do we reckon for price now? PS5 - £500 to £550 Digital £400 - £450 I'll be going digital, for sure.
  5. Bosman's do's and don'ts were hilarious.
  6. Ah maybe that's why they suggested you listen to it with headphones on.
  7. Hmmm you can set your PS4 to watch it there. Like your going to forget but fair enough. Thanks Push Square.
  8. They've probably had it for a week.
  9. Can you hear it? It's coming.... The rumble of the Hype Train!
  10. I'm hoping that Naughtly Dog have a trailer for their Last of Us 2 Multiplayer game which was going to be released as its own thing if I remember correctly. If I'm talking shite please all jump in and correct me immediately!
  11. I'm stupidly excited and naively expect to be completely blown away and mesmerised for the entire hour - what a schmuck!
  12. Yes, it's just over an hour.
  13. It's also worth bearing in mind the PS5 is also a Ultra HD Player and as these are priced from 140 to 280 pounds you are getting a lot of bang for your buck. I was expecting £500 for the PS5 and think that would be a reasonable price for what you get. If there was a 2nd option of a 2TB drive for £600 I'd probably go for that but I'd be very surprised to see two tiers at launch. Anything under £500 however is a bonus and means more games yay!
  14. Nothing, change the damn thing already (will save you doing it later).
  15. Sounds to me like Sony have a lot to say and show with this being just over an hour long. Me being the optimist, I'm hoping for a show with a shit ton of games, a couple of megatons, a reveal of the actual console and a demonstration of the power of the hard drive and what it can do for games and to emphasise why this is a better investement than the more powerful XBOX. Oh and at the end of the show a date of release and price for all territotories. I'm not asking for much....
  16. Thought I'd give this a go.
  17. Nah debit card mate - I don't have any credit cards.
  18. Yeah BA flights were through Travel Up - I'm sure they'll be fine. It was these bloody hotels I booked, just point blank no refunds. Air BNB were far better some of them gave half money back but a few gave full refunds. I'm gonna look into these hotels further, they are gettng money for nothing.
  19. So this year I turned 50 (I know you all can't believe it, I'm so young looking). Me earlier this year after workout I may have lied about statement above lol Anyway I had been planning and saving for a number of years to go on holiday to Canada (on my own just me and a backpack) . As time got closer I planned things out in more detail I'd go to Calgary first for the Calgary Stampede, then a wee break in the country for a few days, fly to Vancouver for a couple then up to Whistler for 5 to spend time in the mountains, then another flight to Ottawa for a couple of days then Torornto for 4 (get my first tattoo there too) then a trainride to Niagra Falls and finish off with 5 days in New York. Then Coronavirus hit and after the Calgary Stampede was cancelled for the first time in 100 yearsI thought I better cancel my trip of a lifetime. At this moment I'm about £1000 pound down and still waiting to hear from British Airways. A couple of the hotels I'd booked point blank refused to give any refunds (Air BNB on the other hand were great) and one of the Air Canada flights gave me $15 back! So yeah just my luck and Covid is being a cunt, but with the money I got back I bought a 55" 4K TV and will get a PS5 on day one, something I was not intending to do this year - I reckon I deserve it.
  20. Pixeljunk Monsters 2 is fantastic - what a bargain!
  21. Cerny just makes presentations so relaxing- he's so chilled. As for the PS5 itself it may be slightly less powerful than the XBOX but rather than cramming the system with high end parts Sony is being clever in how it precessess and distributes power - very clever stuff. A cheeky wee glimpse of the PS5 would have been nice but it wasn't that type of presentation. Will be interesting to see the prices of both consoles.
  22. Yes factions will now be its own IP. Although I suspect this won't interest many of our fellow n-europers.
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