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Everything posted by KingOfHyrule

  1. Absolutely, the cables are identical. I bought my GameCube component cable from Japan and it worked perfectly on my PAL machine, no worries there!
  2. I saw the Wii running in 480p in Dublin at the weekend, and as much as it was pretty, in my opinion it's just about scraping acceptable visuals compared to today's standards, so I wouldn't want to see the Wii in standard definition on a good TV, especially after seeing Gears Of War on the Xbox360 in 720p -- sweet JESUS.
  3. It's a good excuse to call in sick to work though!
  4. The component cable looks beautiful, can't wait to fire her up with my HDTV. I refuse to use those composite bastards, they're soul destroyingly bad news for a HDTV.
  5. Yeah I've noticed that watching people who struggle make it look difficult but when you try it yourself it's not so bad. Should have tried the fishing demo myself, oh well. Also actually, at one stage when I was using the bow the crosshair just started going fuckin crazy, flying all round the screen and literally nothing I did steadied it, even pointing the Wiimote completely still at the screen, so I just had to cancel out and aim again. But I realised that the sensor bar probably was very roughly set up as well as the sensitivity so I didn't mind that much...but naturally I wouldn't want to see that in a finished version, it could become really annoying.
  6. Didn't bother playing Rayman, not that interested really, but a mate of mine played it and just gave up lol but the absence of Red Steel was a bastard alright, I think a lot of the fellas standing about were fit enough to cry when it wasn't there! Zelda definitely made up for it though, such a great experience. I stood watching people struggle to aim the bow and I thought "shite, that looks hard" but it's actually quite simple if you just think about what you're doing and not swing the Wiimote all around the place, and it works very accurately! Surprised no one tried the fishing demo too!
  7. Wow - just back from the Dublin event, very pleased! Apparently Red Steel glitched up yesterday and they had to remove it and put Rayman in instead, but the Wii is fantastic, every bit as good as I'd hoped. Wii Sports is hilarious And Zelda...well what can I say, it's Zelda. I also think I saw Conor and Franklin there again taking photos and videos, maybe they spotted me?
  8. Is it just me or does anyone else love the smell of these things? Definitely beats the smell of pish in the bogs!
  9. I'll be at the RDS on Saturday to gets me some Zelda! Conzer hopefully will have some pics or videos posted he tells me - we await with baited breath!
  10. Oh Christ, I hope they don't pull that one in Dublin this Saturday...
  11. Anyone who's confused can check my stickied thread on Video displays explained - hopefully that will help clear up any jargon!
  12. Hmm...something that may be a potential worry for videophiles here. I emailed Nintendo UK asking if they could confirm that the Wii will support Prog Scan in Europe, and I got a reply saying that they could not confirm it for me. Maybe it's nothing to worry about and it's just a standard issue, but if Nintendo pull out of 480p support for Europe, I'll cry.
  13. Hopefully GAME.uk.com won't fuck us about, I've ordered mine from there.
  14. HAHAHAHA! Loved it!
  15. Progressive scan is progressive scan no matter is being displayed; 480p will definitely look every bit as good as it did on GCN, but hopefully that bit better because of Wii's improved visual capabilities.
  16. I direct you to my video thread you'll find absolutely everything you need to know about the Wii's video outputs etc etc. Hopefully this will help!
  17. Beautiful, thanks Wooks!
  18. That sounds like the SCART socket you're using isn't an RGB socket, which would mean an RGB cable will look crap through it, all flickery and maybe even black and white. Most Euro TVs have at least one RGB socket, and if there is more than one SCART socket, the RGB is usually the first one. So check again on your TV, you may be just using the wrong one! Component cables can't go into the composite (red, white, yellow) socket! They're RCA jacks, but nothing will happen if you were to plug them into the composite sockets. Component cables need the component red/green/blue sockets.
  19. Gerry Adams!
  20. A CRT monitor? Haven't seen one of those in a while lol there are a few ways you can do this Moria, depending on what gear you have and how fussy you are about video quality. I'm not sure about the 360, it may have digital cables for the job so you'd need to check that one out or leave it for someone else to answer, but for GameCube and Wii: Number one, you'll definitely need a good VGA box. This converts the signal from the console to digital to be displayed on the monitor; whether you're using composite cables or component cables makes a significant difference. If composite, plug the cables into the VGA box and hook the box up to your monitor IN - job should be as simple as that. Depending on the specs of the monitor it should most likely be able to do 50Hz/60Hz no bother. I'm not sure about how good it looks on a monitor but I'm sure it looks just as balls as it does on a normal TV. As for component cables - you need to make sure the converter box has component IN jacks (and that the GameCube you own has the DIGITAL OUT port, which was later removed) or else you're snookered, obviously. Again it's depending on your specs whether you'll be able to run progressive-supported games in progressive or not on the monitor. You'll get a much better picture with these cables even if you don't use progressive mode. Check Lik-Sang or the likes for VGA boxes and other gear! Edit - here's the job for you. Multi-Purpose VGA Box I'm sure someone here uses this setup - await clarification on how good these things actually are hope it helps!
  21. Component's the one to go for then! I'll be joining you on that one. Couldn't possibly play Twilight Princess on Christmas morning in anything but progressive!
  22. Lol yeah I didn't really mean there was an actual GameCube inside or anything - just that all the components that made the GCN function will be inside Wii too.
  23. If a GameCube game doesn't have the option to output progressive, the Wii won't make that option available. Remember, the Wii basically has a GameCube inside too - it won't act any differently than GameCube did when GameCube software is inside. As for the component cables - yes, if you're using them with Wii and run GCN software, it will be like running a GCN with component cables, so the output will be cleaner and sharper. Progressive is absolutely possible, but only if the software has the option (in other words, NTSC games). I'm not sure component cables will be bundled with the machine though, it'll most likely be composite cables. Hope it helps!
  24. Go buy that TV, Wii will support prog scan in all regions!
  25. If your Cube is a PAL, don't get an S-Video cable, PAL machines don't support it (as mentioned in the top post lol). If you have an RGB cable, you're already achieving better quality than S-Video anyway. Component cables are great if you have NTSC games and want to play in progressive on a supporting TV, but otherwise there's little significant difference between RGB and Component in interlaced modes. Choice is yours!
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