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Everything posted by KingOfHyrule

  1. Deas Éireannaigh eile a fheiceáil anseo! Often wondered it myself - I still think fighting games like Smash Bros. could prove to be difficult to control on Wii.
  2. I'm expecting either Reggie or Iwata to say that line Wii will rock you at some stage at E3. It would be funnier coming from Iwata though lol "Wii wirh roku yu!!! ^^"
  3. They more or less confirmed in the Madden interview that 480p progressive scan and 16x9 should be standards on Wii, that's more like it. I love my visuals and Nintendo's move not to include HD was a hard one for me to get over, considering I have a beautiful 42" HDTV, but progressive scan and widescreen will certainly go a fair bit to make up for the lack. *Imagines Metroid and Zelda Wii in 480p and 16x9*
  4. Fucks sake...after a great run of impressing the world, then this. I can just picture the embarrassment of walking into GAME in Belfast and asking for "Wii accessories section" or "Wii games". As if the Irish don't say "wee" enough!
  5. They've sacrificed HDTV support - which will take me a while to get over after having got a HDTV for Christmas - but if they sacrifice DD 5.1 at least, they're scraping the barrel. My bet will be that it will be a standard in the system, but Nintendo do tend to surprise us in bittersweet ways...
  6. Aw what a let down.
  7. Apparently, according to his personal IGN blog, Matt Casamassina thinks he knows what that big third Revolution secret is. He literally puts a quick end to that April 20th NDA ballix and starts another rumble up in one go. I usually trust Matt and IGN, but somehow I don't think he'll say anything until E3...or he could just be being a bastard and making it up, of course. It would be nice for him to tell the gaming community, but were he right, Nintendo would probably break his knees for ruining their big E3 surprise See for yourselves -- It's the second story down (April 11 2006).
  8. Ah, well spotted! I see it as well, and the other shots show them holding the controller in such a position that a connector lead couldn't be seen in the photo. ...We take this stuff far too seriously don't we
  9. Newsnow Nintendo is great, it rounds up a lot of sites for news and updates nearly every five minutes.
  10. So I believe, the Irish Nintendo rep told me, in between slugs of Guinness, that these were indeed launch titles, exclusive to the Irish people!
  11. Apparently 100% legit, from a confirmed source!
  12. Oh yes who are they? Are they prepared to give the links for the streaming video feed?
  13. 9 May I believe, I think that's when Nintendo's conference is (the only important part )
  14. I remember last year some smart cookie posted a link for IGN's Insider stream and I watched it for free - absolutely the best quality and best footage you could ask for, never once had to buffer, but I doubt someone will post the link again this year. I'm considering joining Insider purely for that, and just cancel the membership afterwards What sort of quality can you expect from Gamespot's stream skarmachild?
  15. Bah, don't like RS it's too similar to DS. Nintendo DS and Nintendo RS sound like catalogue codes instead of real console names. They can come up with something better!
  16. Haha if this is our reactions to a game by Ubisoft, expect 1000+ posts on threads once we see Mario, Metroid and Zelda. I'm so pleased with these screens they have completely reassured me of visuals!
  17. I've a question - if you were to commit a crime under the age of 18, but you were later found guilty over the age of 18, would you still get busted? Always wanted to know that one lol
  18. Let's assume that Japan will see the console first, anyone planning ahead and considering importing Revolution?
  19. Anyone still have the links? I'd be interested in seeing them, even though they're fake.
  20. Here's me lol turned out quite well
  21. I'm proof that anyone can learn without being taught by someone. I play the guitar in an Irish band called Ghost Of A Dead Dog, listen to our tracks if you like, namely Lakes Of Pontchartrain or Star Of The County Down: Ghost Of A Dead Dog I've been playing for 7 years and completely taught myself. What I've learned is that listening to music you enjoy and analysing it aurally will be your Holy Grail as you progress. When you have a basic grasp of music, and if you take it seriously enough, it'll all come together. Without waffling on lol get yourself a good guitar, maybe buy a beginner's DVD, and start playing. If it's acoustic playing you want, I would suggest trying a beginner's fingerpicking DVD. A lot of players get into the habits of strumming shite on the guitar and learn nothing beyond chord shapes. Learning to read music is something you have to be taught, but you can teach yourself without much hassle. A music theroy book can do this no problem. I wish you the best of luck and you'll enjoy every minute of your playing if you're passionate enough!
  22. God bless you sir. I can rest easy now!
  23. As far as I know it's just a piece of music, but I think Homer may have put his own words to it
  24. I have a tune that's been stuck in my head for weeks and I really want to download it but I don't know what it's called. Maybe someone here can help me out - you know the Simpsons episode where Bart and his friend go to the concert and Homer is sitting outside waiting on them? It's the tune Homer listens to on the radio while the riots go on in the background... What the feck is it called??
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