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Everything posted by KingOfHyrule

  1. That looks nice, but you won't get progressive scan with it; yeah you'll be able to use the component cables on it but it doesn't support High Definition, hence the attractive price tag! Search around and invest in a HD-Ready TV instead.
  2. Like what's going on in the video displays sticky, you really do have to see games running in progressive for yourself - comparison pics are a load of balls really. If you saw composite and component in 480p side by side in real life, you actually couldn't say you can't tell the difference. Composite gives a noisy, blurry picture on such a high quality TV and component sorts all the problems out and gives a picture that developers intended.
  3. Lol I really wish you could see it in real life though, I warned you that pictures wouldn't do it justice! I know composite actually doesn't look too bad on my photo, but it's actually all blurry and bright colours flicker and wobble, it really is crap on a big HDTV. And component in 480p just completely fixes everything and then some, you have my word as a longtime videophile, progressive scan is the shit! Look closely again at the difference in colour and clarity between the first picture (composite) and one of the last - it's remarkable in real life.
  4. It's my pride and joy poor thing hasn't even seen past 480p, God love it! And it's capable of much more! The Wii won't make GCN games look any different whatsoever; remember, the Wii is basically housing an internal GameCube console too.
  5. After all my fuckin effort lol
  6. Ok here we go - not a great camera and it's also very tricky to get good shots of RPTVs to do them justice! But you asked, and you got Here's Wind Waker in 480i (standard def) with composite on my 42" Samsung Rear Projection HDTV: Then in 480i (standard def) with component: And finally, a few in 480p (progressive scan) with component: As you can see, composite is muddy and colours bleed, component sharpens things up and softens colour (on my TV anyway) and progressive scan just cleans everything up! And here's one more taken with the flash thrown in for good measure, just to let you see the TV itself. It's not as clear as the others but that's just how RPTVs work I'm afraid! Rest assured that Zelda looks gorgeous in prog scan
  7. I wish I had a way to show shots of Wind Waker on my HDTV in composite, component 480i and component 480p, you just would not believe the difference. Progressive scan gives a richer, more colourful, more detailed, sharper, solid image. I was shocked when I first used prog scan, all the text onscreen suddenly became really sharp and clear. If possible, I'll try to take photos of the TV and post them but if they're crap I won't bother posting
  8. I'd love to say yes Sparko, a lot of people would be happy to hear they could convert component to RGB SCART but I'm afraid not! As the description says, RGB and component are different and it's only really a connector for use if both devices are compatible -- unless your TV has a component SCART (which I think are very rare), then it would probably work. But most component sockets on devices are the red, green and blue RCA connectors. A true component cable consists of Red/Green/Blue connectors for the video signal (splitting the colours into the prime colours) and also red & white audio connectors. Those need to be connected to something, whether it's your TV's audio IN sockets or connected into an amp, whatever you use for sound. If the red and white connectors aren't plugged in somewhere, you won't get any sound coming from the console! Make sure not to mix up the red VIDEO plug and red AUDIO plug too
  9. I think you misunderstood me Colin, sorry - the difference between RGB and composite is huge, but not so huge between RGB and component in standard def, that's what I meant by "but I can't see there being as big as difference [between RGB and component] as there would be between, say, RGB and composite."
  10. When I play games in standard definition (all my PAL games really) the difference between RGB and component is negligable. Component is definitely cleaner but I can't see there being as big as difference as there would be between, say, RGB and composite. It's when I play my NTSC games in 480p that the component cable shines. If your TV has Component IN, by all means, it's the best way to go. If you don't have Component IN sockets, you're stuck with RGB or S-Video (providing your TV has an S-Video IN of course).
  11. RGB, S-video and Component cables will be available to buy separately for the Wii at launch (hopefully at launch, that is). And you can of course use the composite cables that come with the console if you want. On a HDTV that doesn't have Component IN, you're best going for RGB. You could go for the roundabout solution and buy a VGA box, connect the Wii up to it with the component cable then connect the VGA box to your TV. At least that way, if I'm not mistaken, you'll be able to get progressive scan from the games. But if you're not that fussed and just want a nice picture, go for RGB, it'll give you the best quality down from component! Wow, a mono 14" TV in all the discussions about using the Wii with 40+" LCD HDTVs and projectors, it's nice to see someone who doesn't give a fuck about it all really lol What you're using at the minute for the GameCube is exactly that, just a SCART adaptor for composite. You should be able to use the RGB cable on that TV no problem, I've seen RGB cables work fine on worse/much older sets than yours! I'd be very surprised if it didn't work - but if all else fails, you can use the old composite and SCART adaptor method again. When you say you use SCART cables for your DVD player, it's likely that they're RGB cables so you should be good to go.
  12. Does that mean HDMI cables could be used with Wii if Nintendo chose to?
  13. I'd say RGB and Component in standard definition (480i or 576i) would look roughly the same, component may be that bit more cleaner but to an untrained eye I doubt the difference would be that noticable. I used RGB for years and was very pleased with it! Component's selling point is the fact that it enables Progressive Scan (480p) in games, something that RGB can't do. That's where the difference lies! You need Component IN (red, blue, green) sockets on the TV, and make sure it's capable of displaying 480p. If you buy a HDTV it's probably to assume those sockets will be there. And remember, don't confuse these with the Audio L + R (red/white) sockets! Also, regarding those comparison shots - you really have to see it running on a real TV or monitor. Trust me, once you see 480p there's no going back, everything else will look shite in comparison!
  14. I want that pint...
  15. I've posted this in my "Video displays explained" sticky too, but just thought the rest of the board in general would maybe like to see this. Some genius out there has managed to convert his composite Wii cable into a full working component cable, anyone who is somewhat technically-minded might want to give this a shot! Who knows, it may be cheaper than buying the cable? Here we go.
  16. Why not make your own component cable? Some genius out there has modified his composite cable into a full working component cable - if you're in any way technically-minded, why not give it a shot! Check this thread I'll post this in the main Wii boards too so everyone gets a look.
  17. If you base it on the GameCube cables, they're shite. Don't buy them, I bought a GAME RGB cable and it really was pish! Absolutely nothing like the official cable.
  18. Fuck it, let's all go out and get blocked.
  19. Jesus that's a bit extreme - we all love Wii and can't wait for it but...fuck that, I wouldn't go that far lol
  20. Good work Shade, nice to hear!
  21. This should do the job for you! From Maplin, £9.99 And no, luckily the official S-video cable does have separate audio cables, so maybe that would be one to consider! I'm nearly sure RGB is better than S-Video though, but only marginally. It may do, does the decoder have a video OUT too? If so, that should be fine, although I don't think I've heard of anything like that. Maybe I'm wrong!
  22. DCK, bad news and good - Nintendo posted images of all the Wii cables, including the Euro SCART RGB: Nintendo Wii RGB Cable from Amazon The bad news is - and I still don't understand Nintendo's logic behind this one - that the RGB cable is like the GameCube's; it doesn't seem to have separate jacks for L & R audio. What the fuck? And even if your TV has an audio OUT socket, the chances are that it won't be true Dolby PLII you'll get -- your amp will probably just decode the stereo signal and give you artificial surround because the audio L & R signals are being input into the TV directly using the SCART plug. I had that problem before with my GameCube actually, using an adaptor that ran the sound from the RGB cable through an external set of audio jacks and I hooked them up to my amp and it just wasn't authentic PLII, it sounded more PL actually. When I eventually swapped over to component on my new TV I could use the composite cables again to run the audio from the Cube's analogue OUT directly into the amp and the sound was great (as well as the visuals ). I'm not entirely sure how you can solve this problem for yourself - if you're using the RGB cable for Wii and definitely want to have surround sound, the only thing I can think of is to buy an adaptor that will split the sound into separate RCA jacks which you can plug into your amp, and ever so slightly remove an edge of the RGB SCART cable from the back of the TV, until you hear true surround sound - trust me, it works! By doing this you're preventing the L & R audio terminals from contacting the socket on the TV and the entire signal will go through the RCA jacks. That's what I had to do too, just make sure the cable doesn't slip out of the TV too much or your image will be fucked up until you connect it properly again! Such a crude solution, but until someone at Nintendo realises people need separate cables for audio, I think this is the only one! Any more sensible suggestions for DCK and other RGB users would be appreciated.
  23. Keep blowing away at your trumpet, that is a fuckin' superb idea mate, I duno why Nintendo haven't considered that!
  24. Anyone watched the IGN video review for Twilight Princess? My God...the snippet from the cutscene is immense looking :shock:
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