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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. I was hoping some of the negative reviews were exaggerating but I guess not. Pretty glad I didn't buy Outlaws outright because I'd have been a lot more disappointed. I haven't played too much yet but this already feels like the weakest start to a Star Wars game in years. I don't care about the main character at all and they throw you into the first mission so quickly that I had no idea what I was doing or why. The character also feels horrible to control, just a bit too slow so no movements feel natural. I'll stick with it for a while longer but if it doesn't get better I can see myself dropping it.
  2. Expanded out slightly to allow the Star Wars Legends line back into my omnibus purchases. It was the plan originally but I dropped them for a while. I just think with there being a beginning and end to that line as it's the old expanded universe then it's fun to try and get them all. Plus apparently Tales of the Jedi is one of the best books and New Republic volume has both the original Thrawn Heir to the Empire story and Dark Empire trilogy that everyone raves about so it would have been a bad place to stop just before those.
  3. Shifted Star Wars up to Ultra settings and I'm still getting around 145fps in the opening area so that's promising. Need to check later to see if that included extra raytracing elements but as I'm just on my lunchbreak I wasn't going through every setting.
  4. Makes me cringe is still fine, its when someone describes something as cringe or "that's so cringe" that I want to punch them in their little cringey face.
  5. Cringe is one that makes me cringe
  6. Gave the game a quick test this morning to make sure it was all working. Seems to run well on high settings. Ill try again after work to see what I can tweak to go higher. I did get a glitch within the first few minutes though with a character calling me over to give me something then no dialogue and nothing handed over so that's a good start 😆
  7. Yep, that got me right in the feels
  8. Reviews are starting to hit. I decided to try it after all so I've signed up to a month of Ubispft+ and im preloading the game now ready for early access at 11pm tonight.
  9. Hmmm, AEW/NJPW Forbidden Door is being held in London in August next year. Might be one I have to try and go to.
  10. Good win for Liverpool today. TAA coming across as incredibly petulant though after being subbed and still having a face like a smacked arse by the final whistle. I swear he rolled his eyes after Slot gave him a pep talk.
  11. Lost Legacy is indeed very good. Not as good as 4 but then I'm not a monster with terrible opinions so your enjoyment may vary.
  12. That stealth stuff doesn't fill me with confidence. I hate shitty stealth sections in games and have little patience for it.
  13. Just finished the PC version of Uncharted 4. I'd forgotten just how great that game actually is. The character animation and voice acting especially is just top of class and imo still hasn't been beaten. Really hope the rumours of an Uncharted 1 remake are true, other than that I'd happily take the Uncharted trilogy ported to PC next. I've played 1 & 2 loads over the years but hated 3 on my original playthrough so I'd be interested to see if that was still the case.
  14. Swapped out a few things and got some back lighting for my monitor to spruce up the setup a bit. Other than getting a new webcam which can wait until I see a nice one with a bigger discount I think I'm done.
  15. Still not sure how this is going to turn out so I'm tempted to just sign up to Ubisoft+ for a month and play it that way.
  16. Nice to see it's apparently cross platform as well so I don't have to worry where to buy it.
  17. Gonna finally give Diablo IV a try as it's free to play over the long weekend
  18. PS5 tech review is up
  19. Just finished my test, averaging 109fps on Very High so I'm pretty happy with that.
  20. Oh nice, I'll have to try that myself
  21. Ooh nice. I'd been hoping for a PC release.
  22. It'll be nice to get back into another Monster Hunter game. I ended up really enjoying my time with World.
  23. Decided to move my gaming PC back out of the office as it just wasn't getting enough use in there no matter how much I kept telling myself I'd remember to go back in after I finished work so I bought myself a nice little 27 inch monitor to go on my small corner desk and I'm pretty happy with how it turned out.
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