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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. I thought it was ok but nothing special, there have been much funnier episodes
  2. Another win for Happenstance FC! I just wish others would start losing now so I can get a more comfortable lead at the top damn it!
  3. Well yeah we found out he was also working with Mrs Petrelli didnt we
  4. Liverpool played absolutely shite today, Sissoko should have been taken off at half time. Full credit to Marseille though, they played very well.
  5. Looked like she was downstairs to me
  6. I ended up downloading it this morning. Im enjoying it so far, it definately seems harder for one thing. Although my players do seem to get tired pretty quickly aswell. Seems a bit weird though that Liverpool have once again only been given 8 million for the transfer market. I mean I know we bought all the players in the summer but considering our new owners it really should be more.
  7. Ive got way too many injuries in my team at the moment, ive only got enough players left for 3 subs
  8. Glad to see Happenstance FC getting a bit of revenge on Noodle FC and going back to the top of the league
  9. This weeks episode was pretty good, im wondering now if Kenzei will turn out to be related to Claire. To be honest though I tend to get bored during the Mexican scenes, unless something good happens with them soon im gonna start thinking they are a bad addition to the show
  10. Im playing Football Manager 07 as im typing this, always love playing it but it definately gets addictive. Im not sure if im going to get the demo though or just wait for the full game. What teams can you play as in the demo and what limitations does it have?
  11. He never really bothered me on my original viewing and now its only in the earlier seasons, definately not enough to knock it off the top spot
  12. Enterprise would come last on my Star Trek list. Infact my list would go: TNG DS9 VOY TOS (Used to be higher but I dont think its cheesiness has aged well) ENT
  13. Yeah I am happy, although im getting closer to owning all the DS9 dvds soon so it wont mean as much to me. Still apparently Virgin 1 has the rights to all the trek shows so I can watch those other ones until ive got them on dvd aswell
  14. Wrath Of Kahn then first Contact for me. Im a big trek nerd myself, watched all of the series. Infact im watching an episode of DS9 as I type this.
  15. Well free time for the moment, until he comes back
  16. Another casting rumour is Paul Mcgillion from Stargate Atlantis for Scotty and if it does happen I think its a brilliant choice.
  17. Damn it, I really should have won todays match but Noodle FC had a brilliant second half
  18. Is no.2 Paperboy?
  19. Well I was talking about the single player length, of course you cant measure multiplayer length
  20. Thats just the way gaming is these days though isnt it, a 6 hour game is actually an average length game.
  21. Maybe he can just fly and they are going to use that as Claire comparing him to Nathan (or something like that)
  22. So do we think this mysterious hooded character that killed Sulu is going to be someone we know and thats why they were hooded, someone who will be introduced soon but not as the killer so its still a suprise later or just someone completely new and they like hoods?
  23. Nah with Serenity Rivers main psychic powers are just going all the time, her brother keeps her calm but thats mainly because of what was done to her not because of her abilities. But yeah I agree with you about the brother and sister in Heroes.
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