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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. Great.... I lose my first match and im not even playing in the next round
  2. Signing up now
  3. There was only 15 episodes in Season 3 of Bones so do you mean the finale?
  4. Nice price aswell, but as it was basically just half a season not too suprising. Still I cant wait until season 2 starts, definately my favourite new show of last year.
  5. Didnt realise there was a Chuck boxset announced yet, definately one i'll be picking up
  6. It would have been an easy choice but after being knocked out by them and the past few years worth of matches its hard to want them to win anything either
  7. Cant decide who I want to win, dont like either team
  8. I dont think its shit but its definatley not as fun as the old gtas. Im probably going to trade my copy in tomorrow
  9. Ive found that people who are just watching it now to see how it ends do complain a lot. Personally I love the show and think this has probably been the best season.
  10. See now I just want to see Ronaldo and Drogba run into eachother and just collapse crying in a heap
  11. Just getting Gurren Lagann now, watched the first episode a while ago but for some reason never carried on watching so im gonna catch up now.
  12. Lol, you know what I meant! Otherwise I would have said Sentry is Marvels Superman :p
  13. Hes basically Marvels Superman
  14. I dont think they will be able to Captain America justice, it could possibly turn out very cheesy and I also dont think they'll be able to get across just how respected he is by other heroes.
  15. I think X-Men 3 was such a shame as it could have been great. I actually really liked the fight scenes at the end of the movie, felt they seemed more epic than we'd had before that. The way I saw it Singer was better at characters whereas Ratner is probably better at the big battles.
  16. Im hoping the Wolverine movie will be good as he is an interesting character when done well
  17. You could try here aswell http://www.comicdomain.co.uk/ but ive never used them myself
  18. I use http://www.reedcomics.com to get mine, try them
  19. I was very disapointed with Intergrity 2.0, your right the chatshows were way too short and I always look forward to them. To be honest though im definately not convinced GTAIV deserves a 10/10, more of an 8/10 for me.
  20. Im probably coming across on my dislike of it, I just much prefer the 90s cartoon as I said.
  21. I think the animation in it is crap aswell, cant stand the human characters
  22. Didnt like it personally, was nothing on the 90s series
  23. I wasnt happy with Ult Gwen going so soon in the comic but to be honest, I havent missed her
  24. Game Over Racketboy Superherohype Simply Syndicated Ctrl Alt Del
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