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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. Meh, its all just stupid anyway. I'll stick with Ultimate Spider-Man now until 616 Spidey is somehow fixed.
  2. Wait but didnt his organic webbing disappear with Brand New Day? And if thats the case then shouldnt his other new powers have gone aswell?
  3. Its because the editor of Spider-Man, Joe Quesada hated the marriage and said it aged the character too much. So he decided to wipe out whole chunks of Spider-Man history that fans cared about because he didnt like one aspect. It wasnt just even the one more day/brand new day crap. It was all the JMS stuff before it like "The Other" and the craptastic "Sins Past" along with attempting to change Spider-Mans origin to mystical.
  4. Ive stopped reading Spider-Man now because of what they did, shat all over him
  5. Might wanna wait and see if Alonso joins :p
  6. One of those things which you would never really know until you were actually faced with the situation so I couldnt give an answer either way.
  7. My favourites: Spider-Man 1,2 X-Men 1,2 (dont think 3 is as bad as people make out, prefer the fights in it) Daredevil (Not that bad) Punisher (Not that bad) Fantastic Four 1,2 Sin City Incredible Hulk Iron Man Batman Batman Begins Dark Knight Incredibles Animated ones: Batman: Mask of the Phantasm Superman: Doomsday Superman/Batman Movie Ultimate Avengers (Not bad) Probably more but I cant think of them
  8. Yeah id much rather have Marvel doing it instead of Sony. Especially if it meant more cameos from other characters. Still, will be interesting if they make Spider-Man 4 and 5 right after each other like is rumoured.
  9. No, got some when I was younger but didnt have the patients to paint them. Got 3 space marines in a starter pack a few weeks ago and they went ok so wanted to move onto something that looked a bit better. Gonna try painting this one though before I glue it, last ones I did following the guide and glued them first. Didnt like that at all.
  10. Nope im staying, ive just been a bit quiet this season. Its hard when you lose your first few matches, gets you into a rut which is hard to get out of. Im hoping im getting out of mine now though, teams winning a few so maybe the second half of this season I can keep out of the relegation zone.
  11. He does seem to have a real problem with wingers. Id love us to buy 2 top quality wingers, not strikers that will be forced to play there. Personally id like to see Benayoun used a bit more aswell, I think if hes actually given a chance he'd do well.
  12. Still dont know why we have signed Keane. Yeah I think hes a good player but Rafa seems to have a tendancy to buy good but not brilliant strikers (Apart from Torres). Keane isnt what we need.
  13. The Dark Knight Really enjoyed it, as with most other people aswell I thought Ledger was fantastic as Joker and easily better than Nicholson. In my eyes his Joker was so much more how the Joker should be played. Even though I love this and Begins im still not entirely sold on the Batman they've created. I mean he is great for the movie world he is in, just maybe not what I would be looking for. I'll say though im not a fan of the way Batman fights in this movie, to me it still feels too combersome. I prefer Batman when he is stealthy and agile. 8.5/10
  14. I wonder whos going to win the final then :p
  15. Start to beginning does give you a better picture of the movie as a whole
  16. Wall-E Loved this movie from beginning to end, very possibly my favourite Pixar movie now 9/10
  17. Im sorry to say that I still havent read the graphic novel so I cant really judge it. Gonna make sure I read it before I see the movie though. Still, not long to wait until the trailer is out properly tomorrow morning.
  18. Empire apparently put the Watchmen trailer up early, its been taken down now but is still on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NhzTfi10lHY
  19. Doctor Horrible's Sing-Along Blog - Act One Just watched this aswell and really liked it. Had a very Once More With Feeling style to it. Thought Fillion played a brilliant cocky hero and who doesnt like Neil Patrick Harris. He was very likable as the villian. 8/10
  20. Megadrive for me, some brilliant memories of playing that both on my own and with a load of mates
  21. Sunshine Just finished watching this again and I really do love it. The last quarter of the movie may be weird but it doesnt bother me too much. I just love the scale of the sun in the movie, seeing Mercury pass infront of it was a brilliant sight. Also this movie probably has my favourite soundtrack, I just hope that whatever problems that have been had with getting it released get sorted as its one I want to get hold of. 8.5/10
  22. Yeah I noticed that, to be honest though if she wasnt played by Jewel Staite I wouldnt like her as much. She isnt the best character in the world. Stargate has had much better doctors such as Beckett and Fraiser
  23. Id be happy enough to be on another planet!
  24. Never liked Weir, she just seemed to moan a lot
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