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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. For me 3 is the wekeast, and 4 the strongest. To be honest I struggle to remember 3 that well - possibly because the main character felt really generic, and it was superseded in my mind by the excellent P4. I also played the Portable version of P3 which didn't actually involve any walking around outside of dungeons, so maybe that affected my judgement. Yeah that’s also how I played 3. The more visual novel style did cause it to lose a lot of Persona charm but I still prefer the friends and story to 5’s (so far). The main character was more generic though yeah, good ending though for him/her and one I’d like to see brought back into the overarching story.
  2. Coming up on 60 hours played of P5R. I'm still enjoying it but I'd say it's the weakest of the mainline games I've played (3, 4 & 5). I don't think the characters and friend group has pulled me in nearly as much as those previous games ones did.
  3. Yeah I like that episode. Finally got Kes with good hair as well 😆
  4. Oddly enough I was planning on taking my bike out for the first time this year today as well but I managed to fuck up my toe yesterday so it hurts to put my shoe on. Dunno what’s wrong with me lately!
  5. Article from Jason Schreier on Stadia
  6. To be fair this isn’t our universe so they can have them come out whenever they want. It’s a much more technologically advanced universe than ours. Plus Sokovia is fictional so for all you know the governments one good move was to provide every family with a DVD player free of charge.
  7. It was £22 last night on Amazon so could be worth waiting. I assume the physical version gets the upgrade as well but I haven’t seen anything saying either way yet.
  8. Ah cool, they should really update their other pages then saying video only! Might have to start a podcast later to get on there. Need to think of a really boring subject for it.
  9. I’m surprised they accepted it, I had a quick look at their rules after you posted about it and it said it only accepts podcasts if they’re video ones.
  10. That’ll just be them having a PS5 version for people to buy or rebuy at full price in the case of PS+ members who got the PS4 version free.
  11. The only real issue I see is that if you get the free PS+ version then you wouldn’t later be able to buy the PS4 version on sale for the free upgrade that way. I’ve wanted to buy games properly that I’ve gotten free on PS+ and it’s annoyed me that I wasn’t able to.
  12. That’ll be a nice excuse for me to replay the game. Free upgrade to the PS5 version and then I’ll buy that Yuffie dlc.
  13. I’ll be grabbing it once I’ve finished P5R
  14. It’s obviously Persona 3 Remake and Persona 6
  15. That casket match was where Shawn Michaels hurt his back, forcing him to retire from in-ring a bit later until 2002.
  16. Finally went back to P5R this week to carry on my game. Finished the 3rd dungeon and looks like I should be starting the 4th soon. Got to say I'm really not a fan of the dungeons in this game. They always feel like such a slog to get through. They weren't great in 3 or 4 but I never minded doing multiple runs etc while in 5 I barely want to do one. Anyway, I'm still enjoying the rest if the game so that's enough to keep me interested. As there's no big game this year to take my attention away like FFVIIR did I'm hoping I'll actually finish it this time around.
  17. Not just teachers but all school staff should really be moved up the list.
  18. I've played it before, just never completed it. My Switch is packed away at the moment anyway.
  19. I see the government are just reopening all schools on 8th March and not a phased return that makes more sense and would be safer. #Lockdown4 is already trending on Twitter with people thinking this will just send us straight back into a summer lockdown. I assume this is what Chris Whitty was so unhappy about last week.
  20. I loved the NES Mario games but came to Super Mario World really late and could just never get a handle on it. Still to this day it just doesn’t feel right.
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