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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. Other threads can though :p
  2. Join us in the Comics thread once you've read some then, i'd be interested to hear what you think.
  3. For the reboot issues, the #1s ive enjoyed so far have been: Batman Detective Comics (An ok first issue but I think it picked up in the second one) Aquaman Wonder Woman Justice League Batgirl Nightwing Supergirl Superboy Teen Titans The Flash For now it might be worth just sticking with the Batman/Bat-family ones you know you are interested in and then branch out into other characters, kind of how @Daft did.
  4. Im not a big fan of comics on the iPod, ive tried a few of the free ones and I just dont like only being able to see a panel at a time on a screen that size. I havent checked the prices either. With DC's reboot they now release comics on the same weekly schedule as their paperback copies and theyre always updating the back catalogue to digital form. Marvel are also supposed to be going to same day releases but its taking longer.
  5. ReZ, everything you've ever said has been over-hyped :p
  6. Ok the IP address is: Your Minecraft username is just Dyson isnt it?
  7. Right an area has been cleared now to start building, anyone else gonna join me and nightwolf (and hopefully Goafer)? I assume we are still going with a simple town style to start with so we need to figure out what style buildings we want for it and which buildings we want along with the homes.
  8. I dont think homeless people are compareable to this situation in the slightest. Also, for these other examples (except the one about yourself obviously) did you try and help the people or did you just make a mental note that nobody else was helping them? I dont wanna gang up on you or anything but you once told me that you probably wouldnt stop to help someone in need because you felt that others wouldnt do so for you. If everyone thought like this then the world would be a much more terrible place. Yeah there are plenty of examples of people not stopping to help and thats terrible of course but I expect there are much more where people have helped, once again its just one of those situations where it wouldnt have been reported.
  9. He's acting a lot more like Ross (though good Ross) now than when he first started off as Red Hulk yeah, still a bit tougher obviously but I think his big thing at the moment is trying to atone for the stuff he did when he first became Red Hulk.
  10. The 6 Most Mind-Blowing Things Ever Discovered in Space
  11. I enjoyed the first Transformers movie a lot, the second was pretty much a pile of shite and I havent bothered to watch the third yet, I'll catch it when its on Sky. Im just not bothered about them anymore really.
  12. Urgh, this cold is kicking the crap out of me.
  13. Quite a shame really. It was almost exciting feeling that we were possibly entering some kind of new scientific age
  14. Give this a watch all the way through


  15. Cover for the Superman Earth One sequel:
  16. They all have the costume code for Arkham City but yeah its a much better cover.
  17. I got my despatch email as well. All I can hope is that they got the release date confused with Americas :p
  18. Meh, its one I wont really be bothering to see until it appears on Sky I think
  19. Id forgotten as well that because im buying the Green Lantern blu ray i'll be getting the code for the Sinestro Corps Batman costume
  20. Yeah I just got the same one from Gamestation, got me excited for a minute thinking it had been dispatched!
  21. Lol, yeah I was suprised to see they managed to find a perfect rating for it. I really enjoyed it but I can easily admit that it had quite a few flaws.
  22. Oh yeah im glad I made it too, just next time I really need to make sure I get a good amount of sleep before we start! :p Also a few things I forgot to mention. Never bring an SD tv to this event thinking that it will be easier to travel with, it just means you wont be able to play all the games you wanted because you cant see whats happening on the screen! Also for some reason last night I was peeing every 30 minutes or so, my drinks just seemed to be going straight through me! Only plus side was that it gave me a chance to keep splashing water on my face.
  23. Forgot to give you back your PS2 controller, remind me next time.

  24. Im back home now and starting my recovery! Thanks again to everyone who donated and watched us on the live feed. I will apologise now for not being more vocal on it, I think I had got the least sleep out of all of us the previous 2 nights so when it got later I really started to struggle! Anyway, heres my games list. Unfortunately I gave up on the times though. Sonic 4 Persona 4 Batman Arkham Asylum Outland Crysis Doodle Jump Bejeweled 2 Yakuza 4 Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light We are also interested in possibly sorting out a bigger venue for next years Extra Life so anyone who might be interested in joining us for that one let us know. ...Time to set all my consoles back up then I think.
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