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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. I don't actually think Zod is a great choice, just that I'm glad there's a proper super powered villain. Personally I would have prefered someone who hasn't been seen in a movie yet like Brainiac.
  2. It's just popped up on the BBC's breaking news twitter so looks like it could be going through
  3. GAME saved from administration by investment firm OpCapita? http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/gaming/news/a374220/game-saved-from-administration-by-investment-firm-opcapita.html
  4. I think superhero movies have been getting better at the super powered fights over the years but a lot still feel a bit too normal. Spider-Man Vs Doc Ock on top of the subway train in Spider-Man 2 for me was pretty amazing, feeling like a fight you would expect to see those characters have in the comics. Im glad theyve got Zod in the movie so we have a chance of a proper fight. I just hope it doesnt end up devolving into a brawl. We need flying, heat vision, throwing characters into things etc.
  5. I really hope there is something equally as awesome as the plane crash in the new movie. It was so great to finally have a proper Superman moment in a movie, a proper knockdown super powered fight is needed as well.
  6. Lol Yeah i know, its was more based on my usual frustration that I think ReZ tends to overhype things, which he knows. I expect I probably will like it but then I thought that about Superman Returns and only really liked two bits from that (the plane and Brandon Routh). Same with Sucker Punch, I thought I would love that and found it pretty terrible so I dont have the same absolute trust in Zack Snyder that ReZ seems to.
  7. My point was just that we barely know anything about the movie yet. I really do hope that it is an amazing movie but I havent seen anything yet that tells me that. All ive seen is a costume im not too fond of and an actor that I dont think looks right for the role.
  8. Im still mainly just waiting for the Persona 4 The Golden western announcement. Pretty sure that will change once E3 comes around though and we get some new announcements.
  9. This is what GameFAQs is saying for Europe: 04/20 Disgaea 3: Absence of Detention 04/27 Supremacy MMA 05/04 Mortal Kombat Komplete Edition 05/30 Resistance: Burning Skies 06/13 Gravity Rush 06/22 LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes 06/30 Foosball 2012
  10. Ive had the Infernal Affairs trilogy on DVD for years. Bought them after enjoying the Departed but ive only seen the first one so far. I remember really enjoying it, I just never got around to watching the other two.
  11. Id say Gillett and Hicks come pretty close
  12. Serebii im not just talking about your site. You tend to come in this thread and complain about your friends not wanting to go out, asking for advice and then giving excuses for not to want to follow it. At some point you need to just forget all that and decide what you want. You are obviously a nice guy which is why people are happy to try and help when you post it in here but it just seems to be going round in circles and I dont see anything changing for you until you change something yourself.
  13. Hopefully I will enjoy it when it comes out but at the moment this announcement doesnt excite me at all. Its been quite a while since Anchorman and I dont really find Will Ferrell funny anymore. I did love the original movie though so i'll be willing to watch it.
  14. You do seem to put up a lot of barriers or excuses in the way of your own happiness Serebii
  15. Anyone read Avenging Spider-Man #5? Cap and Spider-Man this time and its a pretty good story about how Cap used to be a comic artist. They seemed to get some things wrong about Steve Rogers and his art but ignoring that it was just a good issue.
  16. Does your site ever have a forum meetup @Serebii ? Would think that would be a good way to meet girls who would swoon over you. Age appropriate of course!
  17. Lol, I thought that may come up....too young? Nah id say early 20s
  18. Just been in town and my Game is still open but the Gamestation closed, not the way I would have preferred it.
  19. Saw the perfect girl for Serebii in town today. Yellow trousers, yellow t-shirt saying "I love Pikachu", Pikachu hat and Pikachu backpack.
  20. GAME administration to end tomorrow with RBS as buyer - report http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2012-03-29-game-administration-to-end-tomorrow-with-rbs-as-buyer-report
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