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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. Despite not caring about cars at all and knowing how dumb these movies are, I still tend to really enjoy them (Apart from 2) so figured I may as well get the set as it was in Play.com's 1 day sale today
  2. I dont mind at all. Miles may be a new character but the USM book isnt and it could be a good way to give Miles another big push. The Ultimate universe isnt self contained anyway, its already had a cross over with the Marvel Zombie one.
  3. Ive more of less decided that as long as I enjoy the story, I dont care why a company has done it.
  4. It might be worth trying standing very close behind her and breathing heavily
  5. £2.49 from Greenman Gaming
  6. ShopTo pulls "bad taste" GAME Reward Card promotion http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2012-03-27-shopto-pulls-bad-taste-game-reward-card-promotion
  7. http://www.dumpstarbucks.com/
  8. You can get them from Forbidden Planet: Alliance Version: http://forbiddenplanet.com/79718-mass-effect-normandy-ssv-ship-replica-sr2/ Cerberus version (One I was thinking about getting): http://forbiddenplanet.com/79717-mass-effect-ssv-normandy-sr-2-ship-mini-replica-cerberus/#
  9. I would hate that. If I want to play a racing game then id play a racing game.
  10. Ive only played 2 free to play MMOs so far but with both of those ive never felt like I was missing out on much by not paying some extra money for things. Hopefully that will be the case for this as well.
  11. Kind of awesome now that I dont have to decide between the PC and Vita versions, i'll just get it on both now
  12. Phantasy Star Online 2 free to play and download http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2012-03-26-phantasy-star-online-2-free-to-play-and-download
  13. He's always blaming me, its getting ridiculous!
  14. ...the pillars in that restaurant you ate breakfast in look like giant pepperamis
  15. I'll probably see it eventually but ive gotta admit I dont care enough to go to the cinema to see it
  16. Prey 2 cancelled - report http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2012-03-23-prey-2-cancelled-report
  17. If they want to clarify some things as they said then thats fine but it would in no way be a victory for fans to put pressure on a developer to outright change an ending because they didnt like it. Im just glad that at the moment its just shoddy journalism saying that.
  18. New interview about Season 11: http://uk.comics.ign.com/articles/122/1221300p1.html
  19. Had you not heard about this until now then? I was watching the live feed last week when they announced it, was pretty crazy. Im not worried about anything, all the stuff I love from them seems to be intact. My only worry would be a couple of years down the line when they decide to merge the sites.
  20. First look at Green Arrow costume in Arrow: Looks similar to the Smallville one but a bit grittier and with arms. Not sure how the show is going to turn out though, be nice if it was good.
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