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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. Ha! My score was around 600 something but ive no idea how to change settings. It seemed to be running fine though.
  2. Its just annoying when you click update without thinking and then realise you now have to wait for all the mods you use to be updated again because you cant be arsed to downgrade.
  3. Will have to give that a try and see how my PC will run it. Im hopeful it should be ok.
  4. http://blog.eu.playstation.com/2012/04/03/ps-vita-system-software-update-1-65/
  5. http://0x10c.com/ Notch's new space-based MMO.
  6. Im not a massive fan of Patricks. I like him when he is just discussing games but when he tries to be funny it gets a bit irritating for me. Apparently Molyneux did turn up at the London Molyjam this year but only to make a speech, not help make a game.
  7. Yeah im just listening to the Giant Bombcast at the moment and Patrick mentioned that some are interested in bringing them to ios and Steam when theyve had a chance to polish which would be good. Peter Molyneux has also mentioned that he could possibly be hiring some of the designers and wants to make a game himself at next years event.
  8. Yep thats fine, we'll have Star Trek marathons :p
  9. I think we may all have to sign up on a rota to take turns looking after Mike
  10. For anyone who doesnt know this was a Game Jam held at the weekend where hundreds of games designers around the world got together in various places to make games based on the joke tweets from the Peter Molydeux twitter account. Some examples: All the games are free to play and have been uploaded to this site. http://www.whatwouldmolydeux.com/
  11. Doctor Who Mock RPG: http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/odd/s7/doctor-who/news/a374684/doctor-who-mock-rpg-video-game-watch.html Wish this was real!
  12. I just assumed he would be taking you with him and possibly adopting you
  13. Well done mate. Im sure it'll all go great but we'll miss you here, especially when Extra Life hits!
  14. ......Bad headache
  15. Seems like it could benefit from a Wikipedia style similar to the one Giant Bomb uses. Still getting his own content up there but the community being able to help out with a lot of the mindless information that could take time to add.
  16. I think I may have read the first issue of ASM when he was shown a lot with them but i'd dropped it again until Spider Island, then again until this new ends of the earth or whatever its called.
  17. Future Foundation, you know....the one with FF on the front cover :p
  18. Was the FF book worth reading? I read the first issue but dont remember a lot about it, I was just thinking about ordering the trade at some point.
  19. Its quite funny reading through a thread on another forum where the majority of the wrestling fans are all pissed off, claiming that because the WWE had the Rock win, Cena's career is now ruined.
  20. I think the Kindle Touch only came out over here last week
  21. Yeah I was having a look at those earlier. Its tempting to get some but I would prefer to be paying less for them, especially since they're only on dvd.
  22. They need to start re-releasing PPVs. I dont watch wrestling anymore but I would probably buy all the old ones from when I used to. Around 98-03 if I remember right.
  23. Brainiac is his real name. He's a robot so any other name hes gone under has just been when in disguise.
  24. I was all ready to accept that Liverpool played shite and Newcastle played well and deserved the win but Reina getting sent off has just pissed me off so much.
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