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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. If you get asked about your weaknesses, try using this technique
  2. Im sure the converted save would work just fine but if by chance it didnt there are Mass Effect save creators out there that are really easy to use. Basically just a load of check boxes for choices you made. Thats how I brought back Mordin when he managed to die yet again in 2 for me so I could still use him in 3 and also make sure the dlc characters appeared in 3 despite not buying them for 2.
  3. IGN review http://uk.ign.com/articles/2013/06/04/animal-crossing-new-leaf-review
  4. http://www.dealspwn.com/fortnightly-indie-deals-coming-psn-142904
  5. Lol nope not Bodicote but not too far away. Banbury is my main town, same as Goafer.
  6. Bodicote near Banbury?
  7. Yep I will be Happenstance - 2079-6601-4955
  8. You all disgust me
  9. Thats pretty awesome, I want one.
  10. Scorpion will be the next DLC character
  11. If anyones interested there was a really good Gamespot spoilercast on Spec Ops which has Jeff Gerstmann and the Spec Ops writer guesting, made me want to play the game through again to see all the more subtle stuff I missed. http://uk.gamespot.com/features/gamespot-gameplay-special-edition-spoilercast-spec-ops-the-line-6386587/
  12. Still dont know a lot about the Marvel cosmic stuff but maybe she could be this Nemesis character who originally created the Infinity gems, then that could possibly lead into Avengers 2? http://www.comicvine.com/nemesis/4005-68699/
  13. Got this from Greenman Gaming for £2. I already own it on PS3 but I wouldnt mind playing through it again and its always nice to add to my Steam list.
  14. Apparently the replacement has been cast since January http://www.bleedingcool.com/2013/06/02/who-will-be-the-thirteenth-doctor/
  15. If you are anything like me then you will get so much better when you start remembering to block and start stringing some combos together.
  16. Get some practice in and I'll give you some fights at Extra Life then!
  17. They were right, he quit http://www.bleedingcool.com/2013/06/01/matt-smith-quits-doctor-who/
  18. Big Doctor Who announcement coming tonight, Bleeding Cool have their theory on what it is http://www.bleedingcool.com/2013/06/01/huge-doctor-who-news-coming-tonight-and-heres-what-we-think-it-is/
  19. I would still live to see a Mirror's Edge game with Oculus Rift. The first one is on the list of games they will be working with which is great.
  20. I just dont think that EA and MS are cozying as much as people think, especially on this forum where there are a lot of bitter Nintendo fans. I think its going to be mostly early DLC and stuff like that we will see like we did with COD this gen.
  21. Im looking forward to hearing some clarification on the 24 hours comment from MS at E3 because I have been wondering if it is 24 hours at all or thats just how often it will perform the online check if you leave your Xbox One on all the time (which they are probably expecting you will now, like a Sky box or something) so could that mean that if you do turn it off it could require that check each time its turned on.
  22. So why do people have it in their heads that Mirror's Edge 2 could be an Xbox One game only? Honest question, I just havent seen anything that made me think that.
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