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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. I need to decide soon if I'm going to sell all my turnips for 166 bells each this morning or risk waiting until after 12 and hope the price goes up again.
  2. Apparently Doink died today
  3. Screw Nintendo buying them, I need Sony to for more Persona games.
  4. You get enough information to understand whats going on but you lose so much of that universe and the characters that it almost ruins it. The whole point is that this is a character and universe that has been shaped by your actions (although maybe not enough by the end but thats another discussion). You get a few choices during the interactive comics provided but not nearly enough and it can mean missing out on key characters in the third game for no reason.
  5. Just finally got around to completing To The Moon. Such a great game which manages to be a nice journey through a man's memories, quite touching at time along with being funny as well.
  6. Plus the PS4 will be coming with a headset this time around as standard.
  7. My top RPGs would be: Persona 4 Golden Mass Effect Trilogy (2 being my favourite) Then my other favourites: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Fallout New Vegas Fallout 3 Persona 3 Knight of the Old Republic Phantasy Star Online Pokemon Blue Ive only really found myself in the right mindset when it comes to RPGs over the last few years so there are still a lot I plan on going back to complete that I previously started then gave up on.
  8. http://www.vg247.com/2013/06/24/rumour-microsoft-to-announce-xbox-one-self-publishing-at-build/
  9. Skyrim was the only Elder Scrolls game I managed to complete. Tried Morrowind on the original Xbox and Oblivion on 360 but I could barely get into either. I think when I played Skyrim it just felt like more of an actual living world and I got sucked in. That was the PS3 version so its nice to go back to it on PC and mess around with all the mods while playing it again.
  10. At the moment I am running all from the "Graphical Essentials" collection in Skyrim's Steam workshop. There were some others in "Graphics and Sounds +++" that I liked but they started to drop my fps so I uninstalled them. Heres some comparison shots when I was testing stuff out. Before: After: Still not brilliant but im working on it. This is what I'd like to see it end up like
  11. I've been enjoying playing the PC version of Scribblenauts this weekend, seem to be enjoying it a lot more than I did with the DS versions. Im just looking forward to the Steam Summer sale. Now that ive upgraded my PC I can get a load more games that I held off on before because they might not have run. Been messing around on Skyrim this weekend with a load of graphical mods as well.
  12. I have found the latest few episodes to be like that yeah. Spent a lot of that time just wishing something would happen.
  13. I'll post mine when I can be bothered to get them all out for photos. Unfortunately I only started rebuilding my collections at the end of last year so they're not too big at the moment. I still really regret trading in all my Mega Drive games when I was younger
  14. ....That is the weirdest complaint to anyone moving abroad I have ever heard.
  15. I just hope this doesnt go the same way as Phantasy Star Online 2 and the English development just seems to disappear.
  16. http://www.pcgamer.com/2013/06/22/dragon-quest-x-coming-to-pc-this-september/ I've only ever played Dragon Quest 8 I think but I did enjoy that, I wouldnt mind playing another one now it may come over here on PC even if it is just an MMO.
  17. Got the PC version on sale on Steam
  18. Just finished updating the PSU and graphics card on my PC. Only a GTX 650 so nothing major but its nice to be able to play games on high settings for a change and actually be able to buy some of the newer more demanding games.
  19. To be fair though the Wii U had a day one patch it add big features to the console which should have already been there as well.
  20. Looks like Mary Jane's scenes have been cut from Amazing Spider-Man 2.
  21. Just thought id mention, I love that 90s Lois & Clark show. Dean Cain is still my favourite Clark Kent. Right ok, I didnt realise it was the spelling and slight different pronunciation of the name you were getting at. Either way though its obviously still a Smallville nod.
  22. It was Fordman, I remember hearing it clearly and Ive seen it mentioned elsewhere as well.
  23. He's the one who escorts Lois off the helicopter in those scenes
  24. Giant Bomb guys talking about it
  25. Just got back from seeing it, overall I really enjoyed it. There were problems though and one of the main ones was way too much shaky cam. I would probably be happy if there is a sequel if Zach Snyder didnt come back for it.
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