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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. Hmmm, Chrono Trigger is in sale for Android. Might be time for a replay.
  2. I mean yeah its not great at making the cannon fodder Jedi believable in their skills but the scene you are talking about is the first encounter with the Sith so easily works into what I was saying about their over confidence. They have a big group against one guy and never expected him to be as much of a threat as he was, especially with his cortosis helmet which was nice to see
  3. I don't necessarily think they suck at fighting but it is set during an era where they have become pretty complacent and arrogant. They haven't fought a Sith in a long time and are definitely not ready for that extra threat.
  4. Is it bad that instead of watching the Olympics I'm currently watching an old Giant Bomb livestream of them playing all the Olympic video games instead? 😂
  5. The movies I've seen at the cinema are: Attack of the Clones Revenge of the Sith Something about a Skywalker
  6. 😆
  7. Wow, Robert Picardo is going to be a series regular on the new Starfleet Academy show playing the Doctor. I had zero interest in that show and felt very bitter about it taking a spot and money that could have gone towards much better Trek but I may have to watch it now just for him.
  8. Section 31 looks terrible, I might just skip watching that altogether.
  9. I watched the first season. It was fine but at that point I'd just gotten bored of the DC shows on TV so wasn't interested in sticking with it.
  10. Really wish the big comic cons were like Star Wars Celebration and could be held around the world. Id love to go to one of these big events and go to proper panels with announcements etc. Our comic cons used to be OK but its depressing looking at the guest lists for them lately, its nearly all influencers.
  11. The Nintendo problem in action my friends. As you can see here we have a fan so consumed by their own delusions that they actually have started to believe their own lies.
  12. Its an interesting article. I do agree that there is a Nintendo problem with video game history but I think the writer maybe gets a bit too sidetracked with the 3D aspect of people praising Mario 64. I don't particularly remembering people lauding it for being a big 3D innovator but as a 3D platformer innovator and I think that's an important distinction. They are right though, the world would be a much darker place today without Croc. My only complaint about that game has always been that it singlehandedly took down Sega with its sheer brilliance. They carried on trying for a while but could never get out of its shadow.
  13. What's everyone's opinion on breakdancing being one of the new events then? Personally I think its a dumb addition that shouldn't be there.
  14. I thought the series started well but by the end I just didn't really care about anything happening. Probably not one I'd go back to again.
  15. I maybe carry a backup cover but thats about it. I keep my bank card with me but rarely use it as I'm another that just uses my phone or watch.
  16. Just finished reading Replay by Ken Grimwood. I'd been looking for recommendations on something similar to The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August which I read a year or so ago and really enjoyed and Replay was one that kept popping up. It's another book about a person reliving their life over and over and I really enjoyed it. This one felt like much more of a character piece compared to Harry August which had an ongoing story thread going through it. Anyone else read it? Oh and it's also kind of creepy that the author died in the same way as the character in the book while he was writing the sequel.
  17. I'll probably watch the first week of events as usual then drop off when the track and field stuff takes over.
  18. Palmer is nipping at his heels
  19. I do think that part of our problem is the percentage of shit haircuts in the team. It has to be a massive distraction.
  20. Unfortunately that was coming
  21. We're gonna deserve to lose by a lot if England don't stop pissing around in defence.
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