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Everything posted by Nolan

  1. Speaking of training pokemon...http://thepunchlineismachismo.com/archives/99 Read the next four comics afterwards. I love Mr. Fish.
  2. No time to watch all that now, but I'm hugely excited for The Witcher 2. The first was an excellent although flawed RPG. Hopefully with their own engine some of the little things won't be present now.
  3. I love it all, including Flying Circus....too bad I don't get any of the British Politics.
  4. I watch Comedy Rainbow. Scares the shit right out of me.
  5. Blu-Ray here are $20-$30 (according to google £12-£19) Old or New with a very rare few being cheaper.
  6. Evil Smurfs?
  7. I own one Blu-Ray, Kick-Ass. I don't have a Blu-Ray player though, but it came with a DVD version and was $5 more than plain old DVD. I'm considering getting a PS3 as a player, but can't bring myself to do it yet.
  8. :/ But Pokemon isn't even in the GBA...
  9. Not knowing what you mean by fucked over, you were spamming the forum regardless. Just locked threads is getting off easy imo.
  10. The music industry is the worst.
  11. They probably did it because it seemed like a funny thing to do....and it turned out to be a funny thing. Alright yea I agree it's a little unwarranted, but funny nonetheless.
  12. It really is amazing.
  13. But you're not describing them in perfect detail, or using visual aides! It just becomes boring girl talk then. I'd only go commando if I was wearing a kilt, which is to say never. I'm not manly enough to wear a kilt. Which is the manliest way to be pantsless.
  14. Nolan

    Halo: Reach

    I remember Ascension looking much more bleak in Halo 2.
  15. I did 2 lvl 49 grottoes today actually. Rather easy, and I'm currently part way through another 49. It's had more difficult enemies (King Healslimes) than the others though. Still no MKS yet though...
  16. It's like Twisted Metal but without the cars....and from a studio who has put out great games within the past 5 years. It looks interesting enough though. One to keep an eye on at least.
  17. Star Wars is only good if it's IV V VI or interactive and you aren't completely railroaded into doing things. Basically I mean the D20 system Jedi Outcast games and games based on the D20 system (Kotor). Otherwise it's shit and George Lucas is as well.
  18. Well the movie was pretty freakin awesome. Some of the best Choreography I've seen. Everyone go watch it.
  19. That right there could be the problem. Neither are particularly known for being quality.
  20. To fill the quota of odd news for the day. http://www.joystiq.com/2010/08/14/how-ellen-degeneres-got-matthew-perry-his-role-in-fallout-new-v/ Apparently Matthew Perry raved about Fallout 3 on Ellen and Bethesda took notice....Perry never really struck me as the type to play FO3, especially as much as he claims.
  21. Metal Medleys in threes is weaksauce. Try Liquid Metals in threes, and not in grottoes.
  22. I'd say Fallout 2 is the closest to being a real sequel, and even then it's 80 years after the first and you're the Vault Dwellers descendant. Not much else relates the two beyond setting.
  23. Stay away from the Mustang/Ford :p I think you should get a big ol' honkin SUV...like a Hummer. You'd fit right in.
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