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Everything posted by Nolan

  1. Since we're rather off topic (Thread rip/Post your cans?) lazy short abbreviations, usually seen in texting/messaging. Things like U ur thx 2nite. Just plain annoying, type the whole word out for posterity.
  2. Hurray! Still haven't seen Back to Earth though.
  3. Are you sure about that? I've really been looking for a reason to post that.
  4. Cans And I concur. Earbuds are the worst thing I've ever had to hear sound come out of. I hate them with a passion.
  5. Unless it's a really terrible song, I don't see the problem with hearing someone else's music....To bad the general populace has poor taste in everything. The real solution is to just play your own music and not have to deal with any other music. It's win-win.
  6. I got Togs as a Paladin.
  7. Angelo is in fact from DQ VIII. I found the togs to be better than what my Warrior had on, so he's wearing them now.
  8. You take that back! Also, those are 2 different smilies...
  9. I said almost always. That means there are exceptions.
  10. Immediately? That was 80 hours ago I don't really remember exactly. I do remember I was maybe around 9-12 and beat him with just my hero. So with a full party of decent levels shouldn't be too much of an issue.
  11. I fucking love drunk threads. Hmmm some people can type pretty well while drunk. We play L4D as a drinking game (Left 4 Drunk, we're so catchy) and my buddy drank about 8 shots of vodka in a half hour of playing. He could still type pretty well...and play pretty well when he was paying attention. Rules for that are take a shot every time you kill a special infected btw. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck is a woodchuck could chuck wood?
  12. He doesn't really go...evil per se.
  13. Not all sharks lay eggs either.
  14. But what was mentioned is the thought that Episode 3 will just become Half-Life 3 with a new engine. Not just a new engine for Episode 3, but essentially no officially named Episode 3. Honestly though, the episodes themselves are bigger games than some others....well 2 was at least.
  15. And you don't get much smaller of a release than Half Life 3.
  16. Ahaha Perhaps you could rent a 360 even if you don't have any 360 owning friends willing to part for a time. The beta was pretty rad too, and I'm not a big fan of Halo multiplayer.
  17. Sarcasm aside, Vanquish isn't even a FPS...
  18. I don't have a boner over Reach, but I certainly do want it. I suppose I'm B since I'm far to lazy to watch any videos.
  19. Definitely New Vegas, although it's not typical FPS fair (I didn't really play 3 like an FPS). Reach because Firefight 2.0 and Co-op. Rage....eventually. Meh to the rest, and Cube XCOM is an old sort of Tactical Strategy game....kinda big backlash from old fans that it's being turned into an FPS.
  20. It halted over the weekend and the last two days. Too busy doing other things. I've got about 8 hours in though and was doing a bit of grinding just to grind. It's interesting how as you get over leveled the game tells you how much XP you got for the battle, then a breakdown shows that each character received less-significantly less than that when before they'd get the whole amount. Using plans is also nice as you can just hit Y select what is appropriate and not have to use 8AP selecting 4 different attacks just to kill a weak grunt.
  21. I tried what that video shows....does not work for me. It's easier to run around and avoid the other monsters and find the slimes. Metal Slash does crit, but very rarely. I also found that LMS tend to stick around long enough that I could use Metal Slash with one or two characters and regular attacks from the rest and still kill them before they ran. Of course, Thunder Thrust is easier. If you don't have Thunder Thrust, equip the Falcon Blade then do Metal Slash for a possible 4 points of damage (half the LMS HP), or Falcon Slash with Falcon Blade for 4 attacks=4 points of damage and 4 attempts at Crit. Side note, Crits don't always insta kill metal slime enemies, I've seen my mage multiple times Crit and do a single point of Damage...
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