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Everything posted by Nolan

  1. Games Workshop is pretty terrible tbh. What you need to do is find an independently run hobby shop. There is one near me called The Game Room, and it's great, everyone is really friendly and no one is pushy. They also have a huge selection of comics new and old (I saw old prints of Akira actually).
  2. Tips for finding Drakonium Slimes... I'm going to guess that Thunder Thrust for criticals is key.
  3. Except, a single guy walking around with a cute baby (or puppy) will attract all kinds of chicks. Rohypnol does not.
  4. I'm pretty sure everyone liked Wallace.
  5. I was massively confused until I remembered that this thread isn't about just driving nuisances.
  6. It's hardly massively more dangerous, it's enough to quickly shift the weight but not hardly slow down. They shouldn't be that close to me regardless
  7. Taco Bell is like the cheapest crappiest Fast Food in existence. I love it. Rez....for shame on not wanting sour cream. Sour cream is amazing. Soft Tacos are the answer to that, you can roll them up similar to a burrito and the filling stays in.
  8. When this happens to me I do one of two things depending on my mood. Most of the time I just take my foot off the accelerator and slow down about 20 below, bonus if it's a no passing zone . Occasionally I return the favor after they pass. If I'm in foul mood though, I will hit my brakes...hard. It's always good to inspire a little fear in the masses. All I can remember when I was a learner is I sat next to a somewhat stupid girl, and someone ran up and smacked the buildings window on Halloween.
  9. An undeniable fact about drivers. All drivers who are not yourself are in fact, terrible.
  10. I'm American Irish...a few generations diluted, does that count? I absolutely hate when I'm stopping at a 4-way stop (whomever stops first goes first) and there is someone sitting at the stop and they sit there and wait an annoyingly long time for me to stop before they go. I understand they're making sure I'm going to stop (I generally roll up fast as if I'm not going to, but with steady deceleration) but I wish they'd just go so I can come to a quick stop and go without them being in my way. I also hate getting a phone call while I'm driving. It instantly puts me into a foul mood, which results in snapping at the caller.
  11. I'm over it. More to the point, if I have no desire to see a film after just a plot synopsis...I'm not sure I'd want to watch it anyways.
  12. Nolan

    Halo: Reach

    I take Arcadey to mean who has the best twitch reflexes. CoD=whoever shoots first lives 90% o the time. Halo is like that as well, but only slightly different in that the weapons change things up, still arcadey. To me a non-arcade shooter would be something that requires a semblance of strategy, Team Based games like MAG or TF2 perhaps GRAW or Socom as well. Of course Halo and CoD both pale in comparison to Quake or Unreal Tournament multiplayer in terms of how arcade like they are.
  13. It's probably boring compared to his Elise regardless of transmission.
  14. Nolan

    Halo: Reach

    Metroid will be fun, but I can't say if it'll compare to Reach. Fable will be balls, Fallout will be awesome though.
  15. I just read the plot synopsis for Hard Candy on wikipedia....sounds pretty dumb.
  16. I was curious about number 81 (not that I'm allowed to answer) and googled "Climax sworn obstinacy". This thread is the first result.
  17. Yea, plates in the US are completely random as well.
  18. 21. R, P, S, S, P, S, R, R, P, P, R, S, P, R, S, S, R, P, R, R
  19. You forgot Start and Select though. And I know of no reset button.
  20. 76. 17 Buttons (counting R3 and L3) plus 2 joysticks and motion which aren't buttons. Start, Select, PS button, R1, R2, R3, L1, L2, L3, X, Circle, Triangle, Square, D-Pad Up, D-Pad Down, D-Pad Left, D-Pad Right, Left Analogue Stick, Right Analogue Stick.
  21. 47. 6 76. 16 Buttons (counting R3 and L3) plus 2 joysticks and motion which aren't buttons. Start, Select, R1, R2, R3, L1, L2, L3, X, Circle, Triangle, Square, D-Pad Up, D-Pad Down, D-Pad Left, D-Pad Right, Left Analogue Stick, Right Analogue Stick.
  22. I didn't ignore the chapter title because it's not a quotation which is what we were told to ignore. Oh well.
  23. I believe they've stated at one point it will be similar to what the DSi achieves.
  24. Actually, it's legal to Jailbreak specifically to install apps otherwise unavailable. From what I can tell Cydia is for that purpose more so than pirating apps (which would be illegal regardless).
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