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Everything posted by Nolan

  1. I can't be arsed to make a thread or find one, Womens fifa final was fantastic. USA kicked some ass out there, Hat trick by one girl in the first 16 minutes. Japan get trying right up to the last second, even down by 3. Vancouver was packed with people from the US, chanting loud enough for the TV broadcast to pick it up. Hello Danny!
  2. Less Blunt........... I know you were joking, I just wanted to poke fun at the opposing themes there. : peace: My 2cents..... I've never played Advanced Wars. Enjoyed Battalion Wars Wii though.
  3. Oh I feel silly now. Attributed the nickname I remembered to the wrong person...
  4. I go and stain a deck and miss all the fun.... My opinion doesn't count for much, but I agree with the mods actions because Wiis reaction to the situation was not good or graceful, (the project hammer thread). I do hope he can return at some point though. The human Nintendo RSS news feed was quite nice.
  5. I'd probably only rent it. Now sure how quickly I might get bored with the rampant sodomy. Would it be a QTE?
  6. The walking pace was definitely keeping with the mood of the game. It wouldn't make sense to be racing about when they try to not disturb the people too much. But I like checking the nooks and crannies sometimes and bleh to that walk speed. More variety could simply just come from wider arenas with more choice in the gun play...and more lycan sequences. Slightly tweaked to have a less predictable pattern. I could take or leave the QTEs. I liked how they handled them though, failure isn't an instant loss and they felt more organic than most QTEs are.
  7. Actually....I would like to be able to move faster.... The walking sections were a bit painful if you wanted to explore a bit.
  8. I broke down and did Graces on PS3.....still haven't put it in the console.
  9. The PM him asking him not to quote you, because as it is your request is clogging up the thread. I'm the third reply about your post. Or use the lets talk about this place thread, and politely make the request there. Maybe I should've taken my own advice, but iunno, rolling with the hypocrit angle here. Edit: just saw the snide post in the aforementioned thread. I can understand why you're annoyed, I apologize somewhat, but standby that this isn't the place for it.
  10. Other than I bought it for full price, completely agree with what you said. I thoroughly enjoyed the game and it's setting. And some of the weapons are just OP in the best ways. Thermite Gun 4lyfe. I do wish it has been longer though. It just felt too short and cut out when it was picking up the most steam. Soooo 1887 will be a instant purchase.
  11. If we as gamers were all happy with Nintendo's decisions, it stands to reason that they would be doing just as well or more likely better. Making fans happy with the combination of games and hardware, and 3rd party relations is the direction to take for a higher market share. It's just what exactly are those steps is the problem....we can't even agree what they need. But Nintendo will do what Nintendo does.
  12. Look at his name, he's an Agent! Course he'd kill for it.
  13. No alt codes :_(_____|} With a kirby? ^(°o°)>¦ With an ax, because the "or else" is implied.
  14. Ahh, that award tier thing. Didn't realize that was what it was.
  15. Already have preordered Fallout 4. Everything else is a whenever I get around to it. Though likely Day 1 for MGS as well. Gears I'll get on PC, and maybe preorder Tales of Zestria on PC as well, comes with Tales of Symphonia HD. Mad Max and Just Cause intrigue me too but will be sale purchases more likely.
  16. Happy birthday fellow Cancer, may you infect the lives around you.
  17. Basically what you want could be comparable to like the Super Gameboy. Have your games on the go, but at home play them on the big screen, but unlike the Super Gameboy, utilize the extra hardware to scale the graphics appropriately? The example of software(portable) vs hardware(console)
  18. Well I would have but Rehana was cuter than you, and with a touch screen voting with a penis is just too easy. I joke I joke.
  19. Oh man, that reminds me... maybe it's good there was a fan shortage.
  20. Clean aesthetic, stylized robot killing and gaining points. Much faster pace, which I'm betting had PN03 received the amount of development it deserved it probably would have been faster. If you have a 360 or PS3 give it a looksie, it's 5 years old and has been bargain binned for almost all 5 years.
  21. So far this year has been mild here. Next week will be hitting the 80s though (27 ish) which will be miserable, but 35-37 isn't unheard of a couple times each summer. With average 70% humidity....I die. Can't even sleep without AC. I can get behind that. A good scapegoat is always necessary.
  22. It's because of the humidity. I'm in Michigan so we rarely have dry heat which is tolerable but the effect of the humidity can easily make it feel much hotter than the actual temperature. Like windchill in the winter. So I poke fun, but I know what you're experiencing. Your summers are just normally milder than mine I believe.
  23. So... back to the weather...
  24. I see no problem with this. It gets games made that likely wouldn't otherwise, similar to kickstarter itself. I think SquareEnix has a similar program as well. Sure Sony could just fund the games, but this is a way to gauge interest as well. It offsets costs, but its hardly worse than a preorder...or games with annoucement trailers promoting nothing but preorder dlc.
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