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Everything posted by Ellmeister

  1. Is this Zell's first season!?
  2. I'm sure AvB tried to tell that to Abramovich and failed :p
  3. That so that's what you were busy doing! Fine, don't invite me! @Ashley
  4. Also, everything you have? What is it you actually have? Celebrity status? Lucractive government contracts? And ReZ it isn't 2 weeks every couple of years, I thought it was every time a pokemon game is churned out?
  5. I thought I'd dedicate one of my talented young player names to Patrice Muamba for this private league I am in which only has English football team names. He came in at 17-5 goal instincts .... and prone to injury cruel coincidence . Put him up for sale! Along with a fellow talented member I named messi. Keeping the one I named Tevez.
  6. I think they should shake their heads at you not the other way around.
  7. I was closer to you than him! Cheeky git. How about if we can't remember, I shall sponsor the winner this season instead of Maddog. We know I'm good for the money!
  8. All these damn spoilers are annoying! Can't wait to retrospectively read through the old posts to see what you lot are saying. I'm actually enjoying multiplayer a lot for some reason. It hasn't gotten repetitive for me. I've done all the N7 missions successfully to get the achievement which was surprising since I didn't know I had to do that. As for single player, Wrex is hilarious, especially with DLC character.
  9. I mention the weather to purposely make it awkward when I feel like it.
  10. Hello 40 year old professor.
  11. Peeps just keeps on winning :p Great win for my boys today! Still undefeated, unlike some other new teams I know Can someone remember who won/ where people ended for the last fantasy footy, I forgot to get it down before we started anew =[
  12. Or he could act like a normal person and realise fictional beings aren't more important than happiness, though I cringe just saying something as corny as that. The fact you can't spare ANY time in those two weeks is preposterous. Test the co-op part with her!
  13. Finally addicted to this! Started a game with peeeeeps =]
  14. Got to see Zach Braff's "All New People" yesterday. I did that family guy thing where the person said the name of the play and I HAD to tell my girlfriend "SHE JUST SAID THE NAME OF THE PLAY." It was good, not great, but good! My girlfriend didn't like it at all, and I think I may have liked it mainly because it had Braff in it :p
  15. Saw that too, such a good stat! Watching highlights yesterday suggested Totts were the better side but we still had some chances! Gonna be hard to get that champion's league spot!
  16. I love having more trophies than you
  17. For Torres? Maybe you should worry about your still ongoing trophy barren spell
  18. http://hasfernandotorresscoredforchelsea.com/
  19. 3 please Also @MadDog, I may be in your alliance but it doesn't mean I have to LIKE you :p
  20. You can't be any worse than the original group anyway.
  21. It'll have to do MadDaaaawg. Back form my holidays, so I can set some proper tactics now!
  22. I'll give it a look...more importantly, NEW VAGABOND.

  23. And then you pussier out against facing champions of champions :p funny that Zell came up with same name. Maddog what is our alliance called?
  24. How am I falling behind neverlusen? He is on the same points as me :p 6 chances to 1 away, curse you dogpooo
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