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Everything posted by Ellmeister

  2. Did @Mr_Odwin have to do that when he made a new team?
  3. Yeah, now you've made the plunge I feel like I can!
  4. You sir, do not know funny.
  5. 3 challenges idea is silly. Goal line technology should be put in and if a dubious decision as to whether it crossed the line is needed, the game should be stopped and go upstairs to the 4th referee. Is that so hard?
  6. I think it is a shame you're doing that. What will happen to your team? I think I'm going to say, next season I'm starting a new team as well. Decided.
  7. I think @Daft may have a better idea as to whether that really happens but I just thought you went up in seniority of QA testing but it isn't exactly requiring a similar skill set to designing a game.
  8. I was led to believe a lot of QAs stayed as QAs.
  9. I am currently on study leave for one of the largest professional service firms in the world. Yes.
  10. I'm doing my part to keep GAME going. Just went and spent the £45 worth of trade in credit I'd swapped with my sister and used it to buy a Kinect..for my sisters. Whilst I was in there at the till, a lady went to the counter saying play.com are doing FIFA cheaper than GAME will they price match it and a guy just said "No." So she walked out. THEN, a lady came in asking what was the new mario game out and whether they were doing it and the same guy said "No." Way to make a sale!
  11. Have you sneakily changed jobs and I've completely missed it :p
  12. Like journalism? I kid!
  13. You're story is less heartbreaking now I know the messages weren't counted out exactly into rounded amounts of words
  14. Not cool! Can you not just get like 2 chairs and a kid's driving wheel and pretend for a half price deal?
  15. So how did you come up with the idea?
  16. Exactly 600, 900 and then 1200? That's such a coincidence! Also, you should move to Reading, it is an awesome place with "Cops! Camera! Action!" constantly being filmed.
  17. "Who let Spiderman in the house?"
  18. I don't personally think they are aiming for ME style graphics. And your point about it being from the early days of the xbox is wrong, they are still a lot better than that.
  19. Mass Effect?
  20. I probably would.
  21. How about when you're being demolished? Yes I know Ramar will bring up his (her?) story of how (s)he was stalwart in the face of the crushing Man United gave them earlier on in the season but has anyone else ever left early even when losing with no comeback in sight?
  22. Okay so we all think there are too many stores. Too many overhead costs without enough revenue being brought into the company. Any other pitfalls?
  23. I wish the things I did made more of a difference like ME3. Would be amazing. Stealth kills are definitely the best part of this.
  24. Yeah, I've decided to go down the path of the rogue, think I'm level 18. I enjoy it but feel like it can get repetitive at times. So I take a break. I'm up to the story mission of following Agarth to find the people that keep managing to find me.
  25. Dated? In what way?
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