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Everything posted by Ellmeister

  1. Your policies would create so much uproar they'll never happen! I meant feasible policies :p
  2. Karate is too much like dance moves without the music. I used to love Judo, that was hardcore. I know someone's mum is on uniform dating website, met a guy on there and yet neither of them wear uniforms!
  3. It'll have an effect though as I doubt it'll be the same knowing Stewart cheated on Pattinson. Though it'll still makes millions unfortunately. I know someone's mum is on uniform dating website, met a guy on there and yet neither of them wear uniforms!
  4. I think I've lived in a bubble at university ignoring the recession but now I can see the more blatant effects on my personal living standards. Like you @Pancake, I've heard a lot of stories from my university friends struggling for any little scraps at the moment in terms of jobs. Last year was the worst for graduates since 1995 apparently. @Sheikah what would you do to help the economy woes then?
  5. Pretty sure Twilight has hit a bit of a snag now that Pattinson and Stewart are no longer together.
  6. The fact you're making the effort is a great start. You don't need to drink you just need to join in! I want to join a new sport when I have enough time, I don't exactly need new friends but it'd be nice to have some sporty friends in my home area. Anyone recommend some social sports easy enough to pick up?
  7. How do you set it?
  8. His shield is screaming "Help me! Help me!"
  9. Last month's GQ had a nice page from the book, it's pretty smutty but I know what the author looks like and that's quite frankly a turn off :p
  10. Everyday I commute to London and everyday I read about what more is going wrong in the economy. We brought in this coalition believing they would be able to provide better solutions than labour but having returned to a double dip recession and now officially have the longest recession our country has endured since World War 2, George Osbourne's plans are increasingly failing. Do you guys still believe the coalition and their plans in place are enough to get us out of this mess? Are labour going to be any better? I know worldwide the economy is shrinking so it'd be nice to know how everyone else is dealing with it as well. Has anyone been affected hugely by this recession UK or non-UK?
  11. Throw them out!
  12. I'm glad someone who has actually read it admits that the writing is terrible. All the people I know having initially been embarrassed to admit they've read it, then go on to vehemently stress it is well written and a great story. Like hell it is!
  13. Do you just go on your own to the bar and drink/chill?
  14. I've noticed a rise in korean style mangas recently. Tower of God being a really good one that I keep up to date with and fully recommend to people if they are looking for something new.
  15. Maybe if every welcome/ first post thread didn't degenerate into people saying how much they want to sleep with each other/ scaring the new members with "in-jokes"/ how they simply must be banned users, maybe then they'll decide to stick around.
  16. I'm yet to buy a lego game, should I wait for this or get batman 2 if it is all going to be the same?
  17. Eurgh so close! Beat the winners on the final day and still didn't stay up! Proud of my boys after just two seasons for keeping a nice upset. Hopefully change report for the young ones is decent.
  18. I'm loving Kimi's return. Hamilton drove a solid race today and he deserved it. I thought it was a shame Button was failed by tactics today, he questioned their decision to go to "plan B" the first time and they said scrap that, then they did go to "plan B" and he ended up behind Senna and everyone else as a result. Hungary isn't very good for overtaking but the pit stops today really made the difference and it was exciting to see that, especially as H-o-T said above Kimi's and Grosjean's close call.
  19. If you literally type n-europe.com it comes up. The guy who created is having to ask for donations now as so many people are using it :p
  20. If you're with most people long enough, it is bound to end up heading towards that relationship stuff. You may tell them from the start, but they think they can change you. Not sure whether to say good on you to standing up to your non-relationship wishes or not :p
  21. Don't put the www. in first and make sure you are actually typing n-europe.com as opposed to N-E. Knowing you peepsy I'd expect you to be making rookie mistakes like that
  22. Have keyboard cat to finish it off.
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