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Everything posted by Ellmeister

  1. I wouldn't mind a trial to see it in practice. The test should be for around a month though, too short and it won't be much different. Too long and it'll just be forgotten that it was different beforehand. I was on the fence and no argument has really swung it for me.
  2. I didn't post this.... Either a housemate did (in which case KUDOS mysterious housemate), or someone has hacked in as me, acted normally and left?! Scary. It was Ashleeeeeey! Fatty got served!
  3. I think Jay's bullshitting is so elaborate that its become a joke in itself. The writers are clearly trying to make it so bad that it just doesn't fit in. Sort of. Bad at explaining/ probably making up crap. The sick at the end was a bit weird. Alright episode, clearly it was a good text from Carly. I liked the phone texting bit, was quite funny actually.
  4. Are these the other downloadable content up until now then?
  5. Happy Birthday old man
  6. I like it. Get some contact lenses Danny, you'd look exactly like my mate at uni. His girlfriend is hawwwwwt. Ergo/therefore/thus you without glass must = win! Not saying without them you aren't just moreso without!
  7. Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah sign me up scotty (read: Rezzy)
  8. How do you know so much about this doctor?
  9. What legal action would you take against them for that? "Mr Judge, they kept annoying me because they were just trying to make sure they do their job properly yet they wouldn't serve me." Probably won't work. Maybe you really don't look like your picture ---> get a new one.
  10. Luckily I had my two sisters who bought that stuff. I probably would have though
  11. Some big results today. Was hoping Cubic could keep up Bayern's losing streak, but I see that his strikers have been weakened so hopefully Gaggle can nab at least a point off him! I wasn't even playing today so have to wait till Tuesday to face Cube!
  12. Everyone at uni has been saying my girlfriend looks like the team leader from the last episode. She has the same face and sort of hair, at certain angles they look like one and the same! Though the girlfriend doesn't see it apparently! What annoys me about thinking up a product challenges is that its all about thinking up a good idea, but pretty much none of them will be the creative thinkers so it is hardly playing to their strengths. Oh well, guess they need to be amazing at everything to work for Lord Sugar. Glad the witch faced lady went since she really did nothing but moan.
  13. Happy Birthday to both of yee!
  14. Jay, I voted for Chair in my last post!
  15. Wow, didn't even see your name there ReZ, it was abbreviated so when I skimmed for you name it must not have registered! I apologise profusely. Just to make it more interesting: Vote: Chairdriver Least then we'll have something to work on. Come on peeps.
  16. Says the guy who hasn't voted for anyone...
  17. Why would saying you are European mean anything?
  18. This game was not fair for the Mafia people, everyone could easily work out who you were so for a long period everyone was just picking off the colours. The roles are inventive I agree. Unfortunately, I wasn't here from the beginning and as such when I came back so much had already gone on I didn't really engage with it since it was sooooooooooooooo confusing.
  19. Am I the only one who finds seeing on the forum home part the thread "Touching" by -insert last person to post in thread- quite funny? Just me I'll go..
  20. It was okay. But they could have done so much more, it was all too predictable. I did laugh at the Headmaster with the "Daddy" comment though.
  21. Vote: No lynch
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