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Everything posted by Ellmeister

  1. I mean overall Diageo, everything you've done to send items should be verifiable should it not?
  2. I'm sorry I may have missed this, but what else have you done? You and heroic may be in cahoots together and making that up since he may have a one time use of that anyway. *is being perhaps too paranoid*
  3. I'd just like to point out a few things: Maddog is indeed correct that my name is Desmond Lawrence. Therefore I trust he has the night power. I trust he is also good. Now, as for Diageo: Not only have we not been able to do anything to him at night (suspcious mafia power?), he constantly attacked Maddog and did not relent, THEN when things got turned onto Nintendohnut he was reluctant to vote for him. Once he did, after one post (albeit a long post) he quickly took it away. I'd wager that if Nintendohnut is indeed mafia, so is diageo. What does everyone think of this theory? And thanks Eenuh for also defending me as good. I don't know when you found that out, but I can affirm I am the banker who pays people a townie
  4. Anyone want to form a stalking party? I'm in!
  5. Dear Driver of the Chair, I would like to play. Kind Regards, Meister of the Ell
  6. Okay, I believe maddog was being targetted. For I was told that he targetted himself. Now either: a) He is lying about targetting Diageo b) He targetted Diageo who may have anyone targetting him redirected onto Maddog thus Maddog simply targetted himself. I paid you by the way. That is indeeeeeeeed me. Sorry I mean Diageo was redirected to maddog not Maddog was targetted.
  7. Its only 11:06 and you're drunk? Must be to think Bale would go to Celtic!
  8. Well I have confusing information about you and Maddog. So I don't see why the distrust against you should be dismissed. What else have you done then.
  9. It was a good game, but I think the mafia needed more reason to distrust. Us townies were fooled about a lot of people/things. Overall I'd say it was pretty balanced but townies just didn't do enough/Diageo's attitude in protecting Maddog effectively excused our suspicions against Maddog.
  10. It looks alright. The white is a bit of any eyesore though compared to the duller and easier grey scheme I am used to. I also preferred the options being like 3d and going diagonally rather than just straight across. When it updated, all my housemates were downstairs. We turned the lights off and turned sound up treating it like a movie to see what was about to happen. Then came up the crappy guide just because XBOX think they have opened their doors to a plethora of Wii's younger audience. Lame.
  11. Will he be at Spurs next season though
  12. Finally: Maddog what is your power and what did you do last night... Lack of responses from Diageo and Maddog are once again cause for concern. Vote: Diageo
  13. Cheers guys. Why did my power seem to not protect and it was always failing. I don't understand!
  14. Diageo what is your power. Why could I not target you last night. Being an elusive person is a very mafia-like trait...
  15. There are so many things wrong with it, I don't have time to list everything so I summarised. I haven't sunk down to "that level" since I have not insulted him.
  16. I'll try and come to whatever is arranged. The more south/london/reading/essex -er the better. I break up on 17th Dec so I'll be free ish from then on.
  17. No my role says I create a wall of ice and it protects my target. Personally I don't believe ReZ since it doesn't seem to be protecting. I like the way people say they can afford to take a risk. There is no founded information that by lynching me will show up any mafia people or townies if I am lynched. All you have is someone blaming me because I wrongly said I did something...which I did in the other mafia game as quoted above.
  18. Fuck sake. Fine, I was told I couldn't find Diageo. Why not Diageo? Disappear to do something EVIL?
  19. Lol? I made a mistake. You can vote me off but I've already been established as a townie. I am the pokemon that I think Heroicjanitor showed the other day. I was astonished how he managed to guess which is why I questioned him. I am SUPPOSED to be a protector, but for some reason cube said the ice pokemon was a roleblocker. To be honest, I haven't been able to say much because the write up always shows me not protecting but doing something odd. I have quite a few things going on (see why life sucks thread) and I'm in two mafias, but I still though I questioned and voted for Aqui1a. So confused, I voted for him somewhere *checks other mafia* I apologise guys, it was in the gentleman thread! Told you I voted for him :p
  20. Maddog and Diageo are the ones that can communicate yes? What else are your powers? This may mean something to me.
  21. What a weird formation ReZ :p I think I've pretty much won the league. Obviously it could all go wrong, but if I can beat Fish it won't matter if I lose to ReZ! Recall got outdone in everyway, helps build the boys' confidence.
  22. I voted for him in the end. Okay I wasn't fully on his case since I didn't have definitive evidence but I voted for him and no-one else joined!
  23. This is an outrage! I suggest we commence a sit down in protest my good fellows! *smokes pipe*
  24. Little Pea. there's a story, I just can't remember what.
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