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Everything posted by Ellmeister

  1. ReZ could you post like he deadline each time you post about voting? Just so we know how soon it is going to end. Cheers! Erm, I don't really want to vote for Danny, but a lynch is a lynch if it gives us info either against Maddog or not. Sorry! Vote: Danny
  2. I was loving that post...until you mentioned cider. I'm a beeeeeer boy now! Keep the cider mate, but thanks for the post. Haven't spoken to the dad yet, he hasn't contacted me, not really sure what I'd say. Probably something really bitter asking if the girl was worth it. Full day of lectures and after little sleep I can tell this is a day of win!
  3. Ha its fine. I don't want that to look like a sympathy post peeps. I just needed a vent/ finally had something to write in this thread! Thanks Danny anyway. I'm a big boy anyway, I'll power on through!
  4. Why does life suck? When you get a phone call from your sister telling you your parents are getting divorced because your dad has been having an affair with some bitch. I can't even get hold of either of my parents and I don't even know what I'd say. I don't even know how I should be reacting. I can feel the tears are there and I know something will set them off (hopefully not during a lecture!) but I've remained calm and silent so far. I'm busy and stressed enough with work + uni right now. This will not help. Yes life..you suck!
  5. Nintendohnut, in the end it amounted to nothing I think. I thought I pieced stuff together with the write up and stuff but alas it means nothing.
  6. Why don't you tell us about how you know Maddog is not in the mafia? You seem set on going against Danny yet you also reveal nothing just like Chair. No-one is saying anything with any credibility/ideas.
  7. Vote: No Lynch
  8. Someone change that Thread title. It reads weirdly to me!
  9. Nintendohnut, what did you do last night?
  10. How coincidental he is the last one! Maybe he's an insider!
  11. Good game to watch yesterday, we were a bit naff at parts, particularly Drogba but we still won. They always say to win when you aren't at your best is the mark of champions Thinking of nabbing tickets to see Birmingham away!
  12. That's a long queue. Perhaps Leave it a bit since the queue is getting longer and longer and depleting at a very slow rate.
  13. Vote:Bowser HE's after the bloody princess again! I received a pm with that info last night so we must lynch him out! Or ReZ.
  14. Off to see Chelski again today against Wolves! Third time this season! Most games I've ever seen in a season! Once I get a job/more money from somewhere I plan to become a season ticket holder!
  15. Xbox version it turns out is at home! Need to parentals to forward it for me!
  16. If you still came third then the scores are pretty irrelevant! didn't you get a hole in one?? How could you lose after that!
  17. How did you lose at Crazy golf to two girls?!?!
  18. Yeah I guess from what people are saying, Maddog is questionable. Vote:Maddog
  19. Saw first two tonight. Wasn't instantly hooked but we will probably watch it (housemates and I (correct use?)). Hopefully it gets better. Cliffhanger on the end of second ep was good.
  20. Eurgh, well played Gaggle! Thanks Jay for the text even if it was bloody late :p
  21. Rightttttttt...anyone got anything? Shame two seemingly good powers got killed off in first night =/
  22. If you get jayseven a free ipod/mac/itouch/ipad I will forgive you for making this thread (even though you should have and deserve the congrats). Congrats!
  23. Housemate has bought pro evo, so I've been trying to like that. But..I just can't. Some major faults (goalkeepers/ AI in general) really annoy me. Some bits are good, replays look awesome and goals generally look more worked to do but I think I'm going to have to get Fifa as my mate from home says its better than 10 and I love that game.
  24. Vote: No Lunch Pizza in oven, so I'll Vote: No lynch
  25. Seriously confused the fack out of me. Kind of wished it was my housemate for as ReZ would say "Teh Lolzors"
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