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Everything posted by Ellmeister

  1. I kept saying about Aqui1la but no-one would listen....
  2. I've worked for minimum wage (£3.30 ph and then £4.75ph), now I'm moving on up to the big bucks. Everyone starts somewhere! As for the game people, I find its a mix, some are knowledgable some aren't. I kind of expected it really, like Ashley said (agreeing with Ashley?! I feel sick): Its customer assistants. So really they need to be able to serve the customer. Half the time, the customers won't be part of the gaming culture anyway so having a large knowledge would be irrelevant!
  3. I lolled :p I didn't think I'd won/completed that many games. Was expecting to be down that list
  4. Is this brown, beige, read and yellow the same as that thing Heroicjanitor mentioned earlier?
  5. I see your bet and raise you:
  6. Aqu1la's lack of response saddens me. Vote: Aqu1la Sorry for spelling your name wrong if I am!
  7. Right I just found out scores. Guess I can't be too unhappy, Bayern and Recall also drew so I didn't lose any ground. Although, more chances, more possession and higher skill generally with a guess formation, suggests I was on top. My defender was injured, which I think with the replacement caused my average age to be under 26 and thus lowering their performance slightly may have hindered me! Well done Blades for gaining points off me and Bru! Recall next. Damn.
  8. Can someone text me the scores plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz! I think a few of you have my number (IIRC ReZ Jay Haden?). Though Haden thought I was some weird stalker for a while, that was great.
  9. My parents? Nah, I kid, I was talking about stolen stuff and have no idea what kind of innuendo that leads onto.
  10. Max Power! There are no good youtube videos to use the damn song
  11. I had my brand new fiesta stolen (the nice ones!), whilst I was at college. It was parked in the college car park and was caught on camera! They reckon it was an inside job, because it order to have a working key you need a special magnetic code that suits only your car (thus why your key won't open other cars of the same type or something). So someone at a Ford garage or something like that must have helped them. Fuckers! Sorry for you loss. That sickening feeling you get knowing you'll never get it back is truly the worst.
  12. Aqu1la what did you do last night and what is your power?
  13. Where does it say in the write up about Maddog being invincible?
  14. Maybe I don't want to be your football fwend!

  15. I am sure.
  16. Happy Birthday Martinist, from your post in the drunk thread I'll assume you're having a great time!
  17. Vote: gmac He's a probot.
  18. Nah, just me and him. I'm the only one he'll talk to out of my me and my two sisters merely because I think we are/were closest and strong enough to take it with blubbering up every 5 seconds. He just shuns off any questions though so its more infuriating than devastating.
  19. Isn't that one of the gangs though? We don't know what the other group is called though.
  20. Turns out I'm going home at the weekend to console the mother. And the person to drive me back to Reading? The father! That will be an "interesting" drive.
  21. Are you one of those probots gmac?
  22. So it is between Aqu1la or Chair? Yet no-one has any info? Is this where we should vote one person off to see if another is good/evil? But which one is worth voting for? Chair may just as easy be another mafia, yet his detective ideas of how aquila was not helpful yesterday seem also to be on the money. I'M CONFUSED.
  23. Danny, were you affected at all last night?
  24. Sure why not
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