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Everything posted by martinist

  1. just bought minecraft...mind adding my name to the server whitelist McCoy? username is martinst
  2. martinist


    been collecting the saw movies for a while. Might as well snatch this up when it comes out, just for completionists sake.
  3. I'M THE FIRE SRTARETER THE TWISCTED FIRE STARTYER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KFCKFCKFCKFCKFCKFCKFCKFCKFCKFCKFCKFCKFCKFC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. I ewecxpect you to haver that wrigfht ndone by newxt christmass, Arthur!! Wesly should die of zombiew AIDS!!! and santa shoujld be bads ass and lkill all teh szombies! witht Jackie cChan! with kung fu actiong like i've never sween beforew!!!
  5. Wherers my bitrthday thread?!? you people don't xacare about me! nah i likes you guys, especuaslly the ones with the boobies.
  6. here's some old photos! wooo
  7. ah...I played Shenmue through for a bit but I stopped before the forklift racing. I should dig the old Dreamcast out the cupbourd and try to get through the rest of it.
  8. after watching RedLetterMedia's reviews of the first 2 Star Wars prequels I doubt I would show my kids that CG mess of a trilogy.
  9. got this through the door yesterday morning...worst purchase I've ever made tbh. The damn thing doesn't even run at a persistant 60fps and now I have buyer's remorse >__>
  10. So I was in the bookie today with my parents, everything was fine for a while and I was just standing around waiting for them to finish what they were doing when all of a sudden the woman behind the counter said to my mother that I had to leave because I was "under age" So I overhear her and I walk up to the counter and ask the lady how old she thinks I am. You know what she says? ...15 So i'm like what the hell?! and I pull out my ID, you should have seen that womans face when she realised how old I was... Another example would be when I went into a local club and the door man puts his arm across the door and says "where do you think you're going"? So I pull out my ID and stuff and the door man actually hands it to a cop who gives it the whole dark light CSI treatment. It was embarrassing, although I think the door man was more embarrassed when he had to let me in. This happens to me all the time, I mean for chirst sakes i'm 22 years old and I can't buy a drink, get into a club or bet on something unless I pull out that damn ID. So anyway, how many people here still get ID'd even though they're over 18?
  11. ooo that sucks, I was mugged once, well it was a pretty poorly attempted mugging but it still counts! This guy came up to me when i was sitting on a bench with my phone out, the guy made a grab for it so I threw the thing in my pocket and belted the guy in the face. I broke his nose, that was the day that I finally felt like a big man!
  12. Case of 24
  13. A word of advice...Don't let a friend who doesn't know where the heck hes going to drag you around the city for six hours. Your feet will bleed like hell. Especually if he draged you around Rushden and Kettering the day before, both times not knowing where the hell he was going and not letting you sit down for an hour. You will want to murder him by the end of the day.
  14. tbh...I would have watched it
  15. I'll usually start drinking around 7 or 8pm. Usually on a Friday or a Saturday. If I'm out for dinner i might have a pint or a bit of whisky around 5pm or so
  16. Real artists don't use auto-tune...
  17. I bought another practical driving test. I would have passed this morning if it wasn't for that cunt on the roundabout >__>
  19. This may sound like a stupid question but...how the heck do you add songs to the playlist?
  20. gah...I tried smoking once, Although I think i didn't do it right. Lets just say it tasted like someone took a dump in my mouth >__>
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