So I was in the bookie today with my parents, everything was fine for a while and I was just standing around waiting for them to finish what they were doing when all of a sudden the woman behind the counter said to my mother that I had to leave because I was "under age"
So I overhear her and I walk up to the counter and ask the lady how old she thinks I am. You know what she says? ...15
So i'm like what the hell?! and I pull out my ID, you should have seen that womans face when she realised how old I was...
Another example would be when I went into a local club and the door man puts his arm across the door and says "where do you think you're going"? So I pull out my ID and stuff and the door man actually hands it to a cop who gives it the whole dark light CSI treatment. It was embarrassing, although I think the door man was more embarrassed when he had to let me in.
This happens to me all the time, I mean for chirst sakes i'm 22 years old and I can't buy a drink, get into a club or bet on something unless I pull out that damn ID.
So anyway, how many people here still get ID'd even though they're over 18?