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Everything posted by martinist

  1. I wasn't jerkin it! :p I WAS BENDING MY PINky dfinger and it snbaped :P i'll get a doctor tomorrow :P
  2. rage buddies!
  3. martinist


    bite my tongure buitch beat snoop gofdgog nigga buite my tongue butvh ch see sthe sbnoop dog nigga1111122211!!!!!!!!
  4. GUESDS WHAT! I'M GINNA MASTURNBATE! GUESS HWHAT I'M GONNA MASRTUE!V GUESS QHy! i'm gonna mastuesbateQ! Guess WHAT! I'M GUONA MASTURBATE! I'M TOTALLY GONNA CUM! I'M YER MAs face¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬!!!!!!!!!!! \\i;m deorerry but may dads base r t man was butiyngi me dringks so He was all like awwwwyeah boyzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzyz!!!! Rab Mingus awwwww yeayz!!!! aw shit i totally just broke my finger hang on il'll geT t a pic!!!!
  5. Today I convinced myself that I had Septicemia and had a massive panic attack. I ended up being carted into the intensive care unit and given a shot of diazepam st00pid martins!
  6. Sorry I haven't been posting much, I have been reading the thread though, just so you all know i'm still here
  7. ...well that sucks....... ........ *wonders out*
  8. I missed the first night, sorry >__< havn't got anything
  9. Looks like my mum was scamed this morning >_< clicked on an e-mail from the Halifax and the next thing she knows the banks is calling up wondering why shes trying to withdraw £990 and £993 all at once. It was from some company calling themselves "Thames Water", seems to have got it sorted out now though. Atleast none of her money was taken ^_^
  10. I want in!!! haven't played pokemafia in ages!
  11. Grrrr...angry martins! my hotmail account was hijacked and started sending out spam to everyone so I had to shut it down and create a new one. I've been spending what little i have left of this day changing my primary e-mail address on I don't know how many sites >__>
  12. It looks to me like you and I are the only people who post in this thread any more....for shame!!!!
  13. I've noticed the Ace Combat: Assault Horizon Demo has been posted up on the Xbox Live Marketplace...I really wasn't expecting this untill about a month from now. Downloading it at the mmoent.
  14. I hear the PC version is really broken. If i do get it, it'll be on the PS3. Still thinking about it though.
  15. Same thing happened to me a few weeks ago, I had a little check on facebook the day after and her boyfriend looks like a total gimp with a mohawk haircut. Talks like a wierdo too judging by what I saw.
  16. So i'm up in the Highland Club in Fort Augustus. Pretty nice place i guess, loads of tourists and stuff due to being reight on the bank of Loch Ness. My uncle's appartment is pretty nice though, right under the brothers wing of the old monestary there. Might have to get dragged up to Inverness tomorrow though, b00h.
  17. Minus the card probably
  18. she wasn't with him at the tie, but i still couldn't hit that becaysuse she was leaving at the time aww yeahs!
  19. Hey I cvould ahjbve totally got layed tonight buyt she said she had a boyfdriend soi I was like awwwww fuck I and I could'nt get layed and studdff So i'll try next week because i need somed secx! Amnd they totaly cut my song odfdfff at closingtime so ui was pissed the fuck ooff. Amy was totally fucking hot i qwould have totaslly fucked her awwwww yeah!!!!! She was a short bitch with coloured red hair I titolly would have hit that!!!! WHY GOTD!!!! WHY!¬!!!!¬!!1111!!!
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