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Everything posted by martinist

  1. Should hear more about it at E3 next month hopefully.
  2. I'm getting white streaks in my clothes and everywhere around the tops of my eyes and forehead are really gritty. It's like i'm shedding a load of salt from my sweat or something. >_<
  3. I needed them...yes all of them!
  4. Orders Pre-orders
  5. @The Mole Always in Since it's been moved to a Friday I can participate every week now. Thursday was my poker night last year and I couldn't do it.
  6. Trying to lose weight, stopped drinking and changed my diet drasitcally. Stomach doesn't like it, started hurting really bad since Thursday on and off. Started walking six miles a day. Completely wrecked my right ankle really bad when I was comming down off a foot hill, now i'm limping around like an invalid. loosing weight sucks. Droped half a stone though...
  7. After you've selected your character and are on the kart parts screen, press + or - to bring up the stats screen and press L to disable smart steering.
  8. I can get a disk off the internet for cheeper but I want that dynamic theme....and i'm willing to pay £5 for it. So I pre-ordered off the store.
  9. So I've been trying to raise Sojiro's confidant rank from 3 to 4. kept saying "I don't think my bond with Sojiro will deepen soon" no matter how many times I did it. I'd get the blue notes every time I talked to him when the card icon was above his head but it wouldn't advance anything. Turns out I had to make coffee before it would alow me to advance it...i've wasted soooo many evenings >_>
  10. Finished the fourth palace a while ago, slowly making my way through this game. Should be done in about two or three weeks maybe, depending on how much I play this.
  11. I just started the third palace this afternoon
  12. I cry sometimes walking around my own place Wondering why she cries sometimes Talking about her own place Somewhere around the mountains No one could dry her fountain Till she got tired to complain That's when I fly to the wildland, to your land copy and paste cuntd...woooo get fucked, drunk martins is drunk I like my girls like my women like my women like moy girls With icecream on their ass and my dick in their world... get fucked Martin Irving
  13. Kickstarter stuff has started to come in, still waiting on the shirt.
  14. Finished the first palace and the game is finally starting to open up. Time management isn't really my strong point in games but I'm keeping a handle on it so far. Really need more guts so I can talk more trash, missed out on a few dialogue oppertunities because of my low guts >_> Anyone know if stuff like guts and charm and stats like that carry over to new game +?
  15. Hour and a half or so in and i'm still going though tutorials. Game is still establishing a story. Also going from hearing Igor in Persona 4 then playing this game as jarring...really different voice.
  16. Slowly replacing the pirated crap I bought off eBay years ago with the official releases.
  17. So u'i've drunk a load aof whisky and i'm drunk as shirt. My head feels really light and ui ieetl really dizzy. My mouth and throat deeels feeels like it's burning because i drunk a load of qjhiskty. When I was in a game center store I heard a guy refer tp seribii.net and i felt really goosd sp fuck yo guys i have my own house fuck you awwwwww yeah. I reallly should see Arthur alot more than I shhould hello Arthurs!!!!vWOOOOOO00000000!!!! All of you cna die in a fire get fucked Martin Irving
  18. pre-ordered off Amazon
  19. A low flying Hercules just went by my window doing a near 90 degree turn, I mean the wing tips were literally almost up and down....that was pretty cool I guess.
  20. Got contents insurance. Home ownership....yeay
  21. All moved in
  22. Someone really sould open up a thread to dump friend codes into or something....just saying. My switch arrived as planned, been playing zelda and having a little wonder around the eshop. Fun times.
  23. Well I just moved next door so that is a possibility Also less than an hour untill my Switch gets here....still waiting >_>
  24. I moved in to a new house in January, been decorating and stuff for a month. Just finished a few days ago so I'm moving all my stuff in. Mounted a 65" TV on the living room wall so thats the first place i'll be hooking this thing up to when it arrives
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