OK! so this onbe tine when i went to the towbn Theres this pinball machnine in a shiop that i usuially go into so I see thderes a ball in the blancher and I stick muy stuff in and it'ds all good it's all fgoood like yer ma Arthur! lijke yer fecknin ma!! AI'll do all yer ma's! do enm all!
So I'm supfer hungry so i'm jusft hognna eat this shjit i gckooked u, masybe sobder me up jst now or something ok
fuck you mayo man!
I missed the splatfest because I was too busy getting drunk.
Picked the winning team though, do I get anything for it even though I picked a team but didn't participate?
As the resident alchohalic of this forum i recoment i ytou liksten to some mindess Aself Indulgence it's some great stuff....also i'm drum and I woul like the internet to recognise that facvt Gleni can suxck a fat one sine he wins most of the ,amario kart machs Fuck you guy
Hi I'm dfrunk and i'd likde the inbternet tko know abhout how drubk I am is thids the right place to tekll the inbternet avbout how drubnk I am?
ok tghanks
Oh, changed back to a Thursday? thanks for taking me off the list, don't think i could make it every week from now on since i missed it for two weeks straight >_<.
Anyway I'm in, if i'm there, great, if not then whatever.