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Everything posted by martinist
Ahoy gfellow alcholahhlallics I've been workingat sdome cornershop and he said stock should come on thursday so everythins OK! What i' m goning to do is fukxing feed myself i dneed to eat alot because i'm trying to soak p up this alchohal My head is really light and shit so i;m going to continue easting and eveythnig is going to be kokk Also My mothing is a trin conductor so i can go anywhere I want within the UK by train whenever I want so fc juoi you you hg guys fucj fuck you gurs!!! Sorry gor a ll the spaces the bad man told me to do it.
I need to stop playing this game. I'm going to have a freaking aneurysm.
getting a low battery warning, might fuck up >_<
Just won £650 in the Irish Lotto, nice little post-birthday present appart from my hangover.
So i finally got to the credits a few hours ago. Very fun game and i'm far from finished with it. That last part was a nice surpries. After the credits is an even better one
.....god help me
I woke up with my laptop on the floor and m y head feels like shit fuck toyyu my seyeds are bufrnunging
emgbteddingbuytch fuc ku ohguyd embefddding eveyrythnig fuck ityoyuu fuck fu kfufk fufkc uf dkc fufck fuck fuk fuck you guyds fuck you gurys fuc kyou gurd sf uck yuu ogusd getfcu ked my throat ghuyrts fcu jtouu.
ok fcuk tyou guys seriously fuck touus ymy bartenter saieshe want mw tof go bcack on Sunvnday and im going to but i met this orgther gu called martyn and he thinkshes fciuking betterthan be fucking hum guyss seriously fuck hmio weed, wine, beer,whiskey but ffucj ktouu i beeed warter i'm brearthing eallt fast and my mouth doesn't feel good i taste sweed, Ireally taste seed because i was trying to befruiend this ugyuy's Martyn;s father so fuvkcing you weeeeeed fuck yoyu. Deftpnes fcukyouu. Evevrything is spinning and everythnig is numb dfuck yo fuck you fuck you fuckcyou fuck you fuck you fucky ouyu . Fuck you fuck you fucc ky ou. taht jonson guy died becayse he was speediing i can;t feel anythnig fuck you e i'm hungreuy and my mouth is burbningh elp me ghelpme help me help me fuck hemlp me help me help me numb numb numb numb numb numb numb numb bevrything is fucki ng numnb ehelp me. fuck you guys ucck y uou gutysfuck you gutys nunbnumb hand s toungue fucc jyou
It's my birthday! Going out to dinner in about 10 minutes...will return around 1am with drunken ramblings probably. Prepare yourselves!
I think I went from 1st or 2nd to about 7th or 8th on the last lap in about four different races
So i think pretty much everyone had a communication error at hte end of the second race of the first GP. Looks like we're restarting lol
Hight as fuck cubnts! U i DON'T KNOW if you know this but htere is weed weverywhere where i am! fuck tyou guys woo my mouth tis really numb and every thnging is spinning, i can't feel my tonhgue nad and i 'j i'm super hunger ty i've got some stuff in the oven right now so theyt'll be good and stuggfff I feel really light, light i 'll lofloat away or soething i can;t feel my hands woo. it's rmy bitrthday next week...so nbe prepared cunts.
Same exact thing happened to me last week. Happened again when I turned my Switch on just now to update it. Hopefully the update fixes it.
Fuck! my attendance! Set an alarm for 7:45pm but it didn't go off, got too caught up in fractured but whole. Was 10:30pm before I noticed Fuck! @Glen-i it was Viceview51
Aww Sean Hughes died. Also I think my house is about to be blown down. I can litterally feel it moving as i'm sitting on the couch >_<
So I watched Big Mouth a few days ago after I heard everyone say it was garbage...I kinda liked it to be honest. Pretty funny in places, ended up watching the entire series in two days.
Excise me sir! I woyld like the lonf g story please! Also, did you guys know that i live jusrt to down the road from the oldeest pub inScotyland? it has a really fuknig low ceiling, to be jhonest i prefer the other bup just down th testreet because theeyr cheeper. So i'm sitting here drinking dead pony club by a company called Brewdog, if you guys eewr ever in Edinburgh you should go there and drink all their shit cause ity;s awesome dstufdfs.
Nah it's fine. Would look wierd if everyone was main cast. Besides, I already made the mii lol see you guys on Thursday
IN I'll be puting together a Jazz
2nd to last on bowsers dickbag castle! I hate you guys!!
OK so my switch just died.. Wnet to check if i had the parts for the race and i wasn't getting the home screen anymore. Held the power button to restart and itJust decided to freeze up. I might end up having to return this. Looks like i'm out for tonight EDIT: back on! turn it off and on again...that always works! forget what i said about my Switch tanking.... I'm still in
Three words...Fresh Prince Miis! dibs on uncle Phill