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Everything posted by martinist

  1. I read the title as Babe Stranglers and I still clicked on this thread....I think there is something wrong with me.
  2. I don't think I've had so many boos steal my items just as i was going to use them in one night ever. It's like boos were on high or something >_<
  3. IN Finally got everything I needed last night. Those coins took a while >_>
  4. I just saw a man carry his cat down the street.
  5. I would have won GP3 if I didn't screw up so hard on the last race >_< EDIT: Been grinding out the Single Player for gold mario / parts. I didn't know you got new title screens for doing the mirror GPs ^_^ Also time trials were a bitch, just finished them today for the wheels. Just need to grind out coins for the glider and i'm done.
  6. I think a got 5 chapters into Kiwami before I stopped. Going from Yakuza 6 back to the Yakuza 0 engine is gonna be wierd.
  7. salutations fellow aclcohallics. When i awas in town yesterday I saw tswo seagulldson the roof of a building fucking. To be hghonest it awas kinda facinating. The male seagudll was kinda haldf fflapping his wibngs and cawing alowt. The femasle looked liske she didn't fgicve a flying fuck/; So i;ve havd about 4 glaasses of wine, 2 beers and a fuck load a whikskkey. Everythnig si nub and burning and i just wanna say that i loves you alls you guys. Even thought i canf't feel my dfuvcking hands.
  8. 48 hours and 36 seconds.... Do the credits count as gameplay time? I'm kinda annoyed I didn't get 48 hours on the dot lolol
  9. IN I'm fine with whatever really
  10. I hate you all, but that was a nice three-way tie for first on that last GP
  11. Stuck this in around 5pm. The next time I looked out the window it was dark, and 11pm at night....It's those damn cats!
  12. @Glen-i sorry changing now
  13. Got a text from DPD saying my premium edition would be here between 11:45am and 12:45pm It's pouring down here so the driver might get slowed down...I just need it now!! EDIT: and as soon as i post this, it gets delivered ^_^
  14. In my drunken stupor last night I wake up to an e-mail from Amazon saying I bought a £50 bottle of Yamazaki reserve whisky I'm not canceling it. Seems like I have a use for those glasses now lol
  15. Evenig fellows. I'kll be getting my ass to las vegas later in the year. Will be nice to get the fuck out of this country for a while and lose all the $3000 I have ro spend. Alyhough I might win a fucking oafd load. My mouth is numb N MY HEAD FEELS LIGHT AS FUCK HELP ME NOT REAKLY. Listening to some tunes. Drinking water...I'll be fine,,,,,,awwwwww yeah. See oiuyou lalls laters that ai'll be alright alright hooo. And your tear stain friend. Tyou have waited the end, your golden hour. Yu stand still there at my stupide beadroom.... alll that i wanted , was not there, but I dare,. Be watned, yeafh. In a corridor, and you call me, yeah. and i see you,. You, i know damn well......
  16. Communication error GP3 race 4
  17. I just wanna post my angle to that second tweet....
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