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Everything posted by Mokong
I really like the "Bambocha" Fanta adds, i've tried using "bambocha" in as a normal word but so only manage to say it when i win something like when playin a game.
I only just finished doing the work i said i'd do two weeks ago :p
Oh my god, all i can imagine after seein that pic is a car running it over seconds after you took the pic
So long as you keep her away from sharp objects:wink:
Ah, psycho girl in Battle Royal, yes she is fine... although i was so impressed with her performace in BR that if i saw her i'd prolly run for my life, just incase:woops:
Are you sure you're not confusing Ocarina with Wind Waker::shrug:
SO is the story of the film based on any of the games or is it new? I never played any of the games unfortunatly but always wanted too... however i'm not lucky enough to be able to own 2 consoles. I'm gonna try gather up some cousins to see the film over the week
Why isn't St. George Day celebrated big in England? He is your national saint isn't he, shouldn't it be a bigger deal? Oh, well, happy St. George's Day to all ya'll in England... (and Scotland and Wales if they celebrate it too)
what? How did i not know there was a 3rd? When did that come out? *hangs head in shame* (on a side note: Did you know Hollywood is working on a remake of Internal Affairs:mad: and to make things worse they are renaming it:nono: , i can't even remember what to) On the disscussion of Crouching Tiger, Hero, Flying Daggers, I thought all three were brilliant but i think Crouching Tiger is still top of the list for me, but only by just a little. The only thing that dissapointed me about Flying Daggers is
The Eurovision just hasn't been right since the advent of reality tv bands. My fav Eurovision song was "We were the Rockin Roll Kids" which won it for Ireland during that 4 year (or was it five?) winning in a row. Can't remember the name of the singer or the year though. I actually heard it on the radio a few weeks ago, i don't know why but it just strikes an emotional chord with me :'(
Ha, i never realised you said it, and i managed to word exactly as you did, weird. I think the only remake i enjoyed was the on Night of the Living Dead. No other remake has come close of its orginal, and there's no way this Omen will either. Part of the magic of the orginal is how great it was given the technical limitations of its time. This new one will just be cock full of unneccesary/over used special effects, with the studio trying to make it more "flashy" and "21st century". IT WAS ALREADY PERFECT DAMN YOU. And i bet they try water it down down somehow. Also lets never forget that American Horror films have very few good actors these days.
*shakes fist* Damn Hollywood, running out of new ideas is no excuse for constant remakes (mostly asian horror). The original Omen was perfect if they cock this up there will be hell to pay, especially if this ends up with loads of teens and chavs thinking this is a "new" film, like what happens when old songs get covered by new "bands".
Yes it will be:woops: I don't think RE2 and RE3 will get remade ala REmake, when they were making REmake for the GC they had planed to do the same with 2 and 3 but then decided to just port them cuz it would take took much time and resources. So i doubt we'll see them remade next gen. I really just want RE5 on the Rev so that i maintain a full collection of RE on Nintendo home consoles:hehe:
He already has seen it:indeed: Anyway, Jimmy i'd recomend you (and everyone else for that matter) look into, Pulse, Versus, Internal Affairs 1+2, Gen X Cops, The Eye 2, Ring 1,2 and 0, Dark Water, Audition, Wishing Stairs, Whispering Corridors and Vital... that's all that come to mind at the moment
Damn beat me to it. Anyway, i saw a documentry on Discovery i think it was a mont ago, on different viruses that could be used in chemical warfare. I can only remember Antranx and Small Pox (which still exsists in cold storage in i think USA and Russia) and it scared me.
I live by that also. Although i do tend to not mind when it comes to Kung Fu films, prolly cuz i grew up on Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan dubbed films, as they were only available to me dubbed at the time (VHS). But for more "modern" and Horror espcially i'm thankful that few pubishers make english Dubs (Tartan are gods). Only one Asian film that i bought on DVD had an English Dub, Ju-On (The Grudge), like a fool i ended up watching it with the english dub on the first time i watched because my cousin who was with me didn't want to read subs. Oh god, it just wasn't right. Although, when i did get round to watching it subbed, it was a much better experience, however unlike many others i still wasn't too impressed with the film...and is only one of two asian films i've bought that haven't impresed me. The 2nd being "Spiral"... which is actually the "real" sequal to Ring as the books go, however it was so bad they decided to pretend it never happened and made Ring2 with the same actors. I only got it for collection purposes::shrug:
Beat Takeshi rules! Battlle Royale = most amazing film ever. The amount of people who've told me "subtitled films are stupid" and then i got them to watch BR and they were stunned at how great it was. back on topic: Well if you don't mind older films, you should try some older Jet Li and Jackie Chan films like the Once Upon a time in China films (Jet Li) or Drunken Master (Jackie Chan)
I would like to see both RE5 and an exclusive RE on the Rev. BUT for the love of GOD i hope any exclusive RE is NOT along the lines of Gun Survivor of Dead Aim. NO damned RE FPS on rails please. With the Rev being a lot like the GC, and Capcom being so familiar with the GC from RE4, REmake and RE0, i don't see why they wouldn't try make RE5 for the Rev. I don't think the whole technical thing makes a good argument, as said before RE4 was designed on the GC to GC specifications and was still able to appear on the PS2 (dispite Mikami-san saying it would never be on the PS2, else he'd cut off his head...i'm still waiting... god or not a deal is a deal). And the controller can't possibly play a factor in it, cuz it would work so well with a Resi game. Capcom and Nintendo have a good relationship and if RE5 wasn't gonna be on the Rev, i'm sure there will be one in some form and i'd also place good money that Mikami-san will work on it since he would prefer that RE be on Nintendo systems only and if he works on a Rev game and not RE5 it's pretty much certain that the Rev one will be the better of the two. Hell for all we know RE5 (or a least "A" RE game) could already be in the works for the Rev, but due to Nintendo wanting to keep things quite as long as possible they could have slapped Capcom with an NDA till E3.
Ah, i can't agrue with that. *person enters Currys* Customer: I'd like one of them George Forman grills Shopkeep: Here *hands over a PS3* Customer: I can't wait to make dinner tonight
when did the blue light reach the status of icon? And i can see it now: *Friend comes to house* Friend: So where's this new Nintendo Bluewave of yours? Me: Over there under the TV. Friend: Where? Me: Here *goes over and points to console* Friend: Ah, dude, it's black... Me: Oh but wait till i turn it on.... Friend: Nope, technically it's still black *Person walks into game store* Customer: I'd like to buy a bluewave. Shopkeep: Here's are secletion...*points to boxes* Customer: I see white, black, red, green....where's the blue? Shopkeep: Oh you have to turn it on to see the blue::shrug: Nope don't see it happening unless Nintendo decided to release it in only the one color (Blue) and i think we can all agree that ain't gonna happen
I think the best way to dismiss "bluewave" is that Nintendo are most likely gonna have the "Rev" in a number of colours, and having the name of it contain a colour (blue) would just be confusing and prolly scare non-gamers who Nintendo want to try attract
The two "There's One on Every Forum" ones were my fav, when the Gamer Pals discover the reason to the Gamecubes handle (disclaimer: Revolution Europe in NO way encourages Gamecube owners to smash people over the head with their Gamecubes.)
haha, the interaction between Link and Mario is brilliant. Frames 3,4,5 = awesome
Oh god, the best part is in "Part one" when he talks about the Nintendo ON vid "It's around five minutes long. When it was released weeks ago, everyone thought it was a fake. But look at it! It is way too professional." Didn't the guy who made it say not long after releasing it that it was a fake. And the whole it looks professional part...technically not really. While it was 5 mins long, it was meant to be about 30mins long, but a week before E3, the guys comp had a problem and lost it and was only able to rebuild 5mins worth. And seeing it end when it clearly shouldn't isn't very proffesional. Although that guy did also make a few other vids (i remember an F-Zero one and a remake of the Majora Mask intro) that are very professional but have nothing to do with Nintendo. Then in "part 2" about the pics on IGN "But look at that IGN picture! It intentionally has a grey side, just like the Revolution's stand! How did IGN know this so far in advance?" I don't get how that could mean it was a fake... could it not be possible IGN knew before hand it would have a stand like that? Or it was just a conicendence" The rest of it is just out dated and clearly made long before the controller was reveiled
I do that too. Also there's this really annoying thing, that sometimes when i leave the house and i lock the door i'll walk away, at some point i'll go "did i lock the door?", then i'll try to remember, but then i'll go "wait i think that memory is from yesterday?", and no matter how far away i've gone, how much of a rush i'm in, or how much i try to convince myself that i did indeed lock the door. I always end up running back to be sure...and of course the door is locked every damn time:mad: It also happens if i got a bag with me and i start wondering "did i put that in it", again no matter what, i'll always end up stopping to check if everythings in the bag.... this is a real pain when packing a suitcase for holidays Friends think it might be a slight spell of OCD?