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Everything posted by Mokong

  1. Sorry, i saw the "HD" in the title, it's late and i'm startin to get a bit light headed and drowzy:hmm:
  2. Ha, when they tried to talk about "quick" loading times, it took forever to switch from the track selection screen to the car select screen, do'h
  3. I think i missed that what happened? erm.. Gran Tourismo HD? so will it not play on normal TVs for those who don't have the cash to afford both HDTV and the PS3 (assuming the high price point is right...which it most likly will be)
  4. Reggie is gonna be taking ass and kicking names tomorrow. Why seven players? I'd hate to see the split screen for that. You hear him say "some" of the sotfware will be running on final hardware...why not all?
  5. i just realised "PS3 - PSP" connectivity.... *Cough*another rippoff GC-GBA*cough*
  6. you see them trying to take attention away from the Wii controller with these "street people" pretending to play holdin a PS controller
  7. I think Sony are tryin to set him up as their answer to Reggie.... i don't think they'll succeed
  8. picture...is this audio only? EDIT: Never mind
  9. YAY, about damn time, but i want a better apology for the delay than that...
  10. Hooray (black) Micheal Jackson, HEHEHE, Billie Jean rules
  11. ha i can see the headlines tomorrow, "Sony conference was interesting, but Gamespot viewers enjoyed the "delay" music much more" :p
  12. those penguins go great with that "brass monkey" (i think thats what they said) song
  13. god damnit, you'd think they would have seated people 30mins to an hour in advance or something so they could have started at the scheduled time, they are well past the fasionably late time frame
  14. well at least these old shcool tunes are great, it could have been worse (could have been Britney or Westlife *shudder*) I got a Fench exam for college at 9:30 in the morning, but i suck and french and haven't even studied so i don't care (and do you belive i'm also gettin a student of the year award, haha :p)
  15. Ok i've got guns and roses - sweet child of mine playing and the PS logo on the screen....now Blur - Song 2 You'd think Gamespot would have a little disclaimer on it saying how much longer they expect till it starts
  16. Plus a Golden Sun, Baten Kaitos and Tales of game then the icing would truly be on the cake. Isn't DQ that game were there was once an unofficail bank holiday in Japan for the release of a new DQ game cuz it is that popular. (I'm sure i heard that somewhere) I'm actually startin to worry that the Europe launch might get delayed because of this. With a DQ game at launch the Japs are gonna take most (if not all) of the Wii stock like they did with the DS lite
  17. With the annoucment of this game i think the entire gaming community of Japan have just collectivly wet their pants. This is great news and to think its only Monday, what more could be instore Now this just increase my "must get list" for launch...if this keeps up by Friday i'm gonna have to take out a loan to get my Wii at launch with all i'll be needing for it.
  18. Mokong


    here's the trailer screens in question so you don't have to go lookin for them I think the 3rd screen is ingame, i mean come on people its showing the direct result of the players actions in the 1st two screens. As for the rest of it, i think this is whats going to happen in the trailer, first you'll see the real world woman playing the game, with footage of how the gameplay is effected by her actions (movement of the controller), as it goes on both the real world and the game world begin to merge until the woman becomes so caught up and imersed(sp?) in the game that it seems like the game becomes real, hence why in the lastest screens of the trailer she's not holding the Wii controller anymore but the object the character is meant to be holding (umbrella, torch). This transition seems to take place in screens 4, 5 and 6, in the 4th and 5th she's holding the Wii controller like she would an umbrella, but instead of the 6th screen showing the the gameplay result it shows the player in the characters clothing holding an umbrella, then in the last two she's completly sucked into the game. I think the message of the trailer will be that you'll enjoy the game so much and become so involved in the game that you will become the character and see the game world as real. I also have a feeling the "real world" part of the trailer will start out in colour and then fade to black and white round a 1/4 of the way through as the player starts to get "sucked" into the game. Note: If (and when) i end up being right, remember you heard it here first Also can i add i think the woman playing the game is fairly fit... wonder if she'll be doing any promos for the game at E3?
  19. Sorry my fault, i never knew they had moved the conference forward two hours, fixed now. I'm sure Sony have something up their sleves but i don't think it will be a motion sensitive control i don't think they'd have had the time to change the hardware to implament it, at least not in way Nintendo is gonna use it. But if it did happen i may have a heart attack. It is odd that they're not gonna have playable PS3 at E3, with this being the last E3 before the system is released you'd think Playable systems would be a priority. Does anyone know if they sorted the problem of the "insides" of the PS3 not fitting into the "console" they've been showing off?
  20. In an attempt to lessen the slow down of the forums due to the enormous amounts of hits E3 brings some forums have been will be closed down for the week, Creative, Online, Tech and Rival are the first casulties and more may follow...
  21. Ah, a comic with an anti-drug message, nice one
  22. I'll be going to my local store (Gamestop) as soon as Nintendo give a release date (which better be next week) to make my pre-order, i won't use the internet in case something goes wrong, at least i know if i'm one of the first to pre-order i just need to get to the store on launch day, instead of waiting for the postman to come
  23. I can see it now, the guy playing the Wii having the time of life, Miyamoto: Ok your time is up give it back. Guy: NEVER, you'll have to take it from my cold dead hands. Miyamoto: Security, GET HIM. *two security gaurds jump him pro-wrestling style* I think i'll be the same when i get my Wii when its out, i'll prolly not sleep or eat for a few days, the only thing that would stop me would be when i finally collapse from starvation/exhuastion
  24. Didn't i post this on the main site about two weeks ago when the times were announced? Come people you really should have set reminders on your phones or marked your calenders or something :p
  25. Mokong


    i think i figured out whats goin to happen in the trailer, first you'll see the real world woman playing the game, with footage of how the gameplay is effected by her actions (movement of the controller), as it goes on both the real world and the game world begin to merge until the woman become so caught up and imersed(sp?) in the game that it seems like the game becomes real, hence why in the lastest screens of the trailer she's not holding the Wii controller anymore but the object the character is meant to be holding (umbrella, torch). I think the message of the trailer will be that you'll enjoy the game so much and become so involved in the game that you will become the character and see the game world as real. I also have a feeling the "real world" part of the trailer will start out in colour and then fade to black and white round a 1/4 of the way through as the player starts to get "sucked" into the game. Note: If (and when) i end up being right, remember you heard it here first Does that make sense?
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