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Everything posted by Mokong

  1. I was just watching the recording of last nights RAW i made and ECW is gonna be shown in the US on the Sci-Fi channel, will it be shown here on Sci-Fi also? I already looked through todays/tomorrows early morning listings and don't see it so its not gonna be on live anyway, but does anyone know if its gonna be shown at all on Sky?
  2. here's the pics of my Triforce tattoo (on the shoulder is a dragon on a celtic medalion, its hard to see you need to see it for real, i prolly should have had it done a bit bigger) Here's the Master Sword and Ganondorf Sword tattoo, again looks better when you see it for real(on shoulder Rep of Ireland flag and Philippine flag) And although not game related heres my back tattoo which i designed myself of a Phoenix rising from the flames. Each of my tattoos have a meaning for me (and i think its best to get a tattoo ONLY if it means something). The meaning of the triforce one comes from my own interpretation of the triforce and phoenix symbol (which is on the Hylian Shield) i see it as a symbol of protection. The phoenix i see is a symbol for Link (the protector) and of course the triforce represents both the power and people that must be protected. The swords to me is a symbol of "Balance", kinda like the "ying-yang" symbol but i wanted something different. The way i interperate the relationship of Link and Ganondorf and the zelda story its the perfect relationship of a balance of good and evil. IE: Link can't kill Ganondorf only seal him in another realm, but when Link dies Ganondorf is released and evil takes over and in order for balance to be restored a new Link is born to seal him again. Then the Phoenix on my back is a symbol for second chances and to remind me no matter how bad things might get to never give up and keep moving forward, IE: in the legend of the Phoenix when it dies it is reborn from its own ashes, i mean things can't get worse than death but the phoenix finds a way back. The dragon, well although its a western style dragon i like how in eastern cultrues the dragon is a symbol of honor. The flags should be obvious, i'm irish born and raised but from my mother i also have roots in the philippines
  3. Yes i do, actually its on my upper left arm and i got the master sword and ganondorfs sword on my upper right arm. i'll post pics later...right now i can seem to get photobucket to open for some reason?
  4. never mind stadium I just hope this doesn't end up like Colluseum, where we could have Diamond and Pearl contain only a small fraction of monsters and you need to get Battle Revolution to get the decent pokemon from previous games (IE: red/blue and gold/silver pokemon)
  5. i just come back from a working-holiday thing so i just seen this thread and just skimed through the first page. I can't believe this is goning to happen, i would have thought of all the Japanese films that BR wouldn't be remade *cough*ripped-off*cough* by hollywood, i figured its content would be a bit too much for them to want to go near. Why do hollywood insist on taking asian films and making substandard versions with (poor) american actors. The orginals are brilliant if they want more people to see them then just put the orginal asian versions in the cinema and give them a proper marketing campagine they deserve. All this crap about how western audiances won't watch films with asian actors or with subs is bull S***, i've had loads of friends who said they wouldn't watch a film in subs but when i finally get them to give one a try (usualy BR) they love it and want more
  6. oh don't get me started on that crap. for those outside of Ireland, there was some sort of change to sex laws in Ireland a few weeks ago which left a loop hole that if you had sex with someone underage but you "thought" they were of legal age you could get away. One guy known only as Mr. A who was in jail was set free on this loop hole and more were set to follow (including a Mr. B, who committed statatory)sp?) rape on 30+ girls and one of his victims who he claims he "thought" was of legal age was HIS SISTER), the dumbass government didn't seem to think there was anything wrong with the new law but have quickly "fixed" the loophole and "Mr. A" is now back behind bars (thank frackin God). But the dumbasses still left a loophole, they fixed it to apply to only those under 15, so anyone in jail for statatory rape against someone 15-17 is gonna try to get out by saying "i thought he/she was 18" Irish Government = dumbass jackasses peodephiles = should be locked up and the key thrown away with no right to food or water (same as murderers) IMO
  7. i played this on a different site someone at college showed me a few months ago..but when i finished i closed the window by accident and didn't get the url to post it here...good this you found it so, i just be too lazy to find it again :p
  8. [offtopic] I think you must be the first person to notice/comment that i've started using "frack" instead of the "other" word...i'm tryin to swear less and use "frack" when i speak also. [/offtopic]
  9. How can that be? I mean their basically admiting to at least having child porn on their PCs and i wouldn't be surprised if their travel records were checked to find they've spent a lot of time in Thailand and Bankok. I mean admiting to be a peodephile should be an instant arrest IMO. Won't someone please think of the children
  10. And these guys wanna run a country? holy frack how have they not been arrested? Just get some cops to search their PCs i'm sure they'll find a reason to lock em up. This is just sickening. I'd like to get these guys hang them by their ball sack and use them as a punching bag while i wear a boxing glove wrapped in barbwire
  11. Me, and lucky i had known she is older than she looks (19) Also she looks familar like i seen her in something before...though none of the stuff on her filmography rings a bell Dania Ramirez is also a fine piece of woman
  12. well from Plattys pic up there it looks like Prime will be alright, i think when i get home i'll watch the animated movie tonight. oh the memories of days gone by [sing] Transformers more than meets the eye....Transformers [computerised voice] robots in disguse
  13. (Possibly) Good news...so long as they get Singer back, [enter admin mode] Sorry but there is already an X-men thread, yes i know its on X3, but you can still discuss news on further films there so we can keep the board nice and tidy, thanks http://www.revo-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=6753 [locked]
  14. haha, i saw the thread the title and took a quick glance at the first post and thought it was gonna be IRA instructions for building an actual car bomb
  15. Holy frack:shock: , 95mins long, jesus that not far off the same lenght as X3.... i'll watch that later to relive a small part of my childhood:awesome: That is most definatly the longest video i seen on Youtube:shock:
  16. For what Coolinthezoo said you'd have to totally disregard the "mental blocks" Prof X said he put in Jeans mind to keep "Phoenix" at bay. And Platty i think you're thinking of the Cartoon, if i remember right in that there was a problem with a shuttle re-entry and Jean was over exhusting herself to try and keep it from breaking apart, the Phoenix entity was passing by and tried to help by entering Jeans body to boost her powers and once it got a taste for emotion (especially anger and revenge) it didn't want to leave. Thats just how i remember it...it may have been similar in the comics, i can't remember my memory is all jumbled now
  17. Nov 6th is a Monday? Here games stuff comes out on Fridays, i thought it was Fridays in the US also?
  18. On the Phoenix thing, it would have been far too complicated to go into the Phoenixs origins as they are in the comics (hell that would be at least two trilogies in itself), plus it would involve alien races and such which would make it far too hard to maintain the attention of the "non-comoc-fan" audiance. Well there would have been nothing wrong with that, lord knows the film is far too short as it is:angry:
  19. Somehow i remember it being longer:hmm: Maybe it just seemed to be longer, like one of those moments when you're waiting for something happen and seems like time slows down. I still remember the reaction me, my cousins and the guys i told to stay behind had, like it was only a few minutes ago...big cheers of YES:bouncy: Didn't get round to a 2nd viewing yet, prolly will do over the week....or i think i'm going to Dublin next weekend so i'll prolly go to one of the (big fancy) cinemas there
  20. Yeah it does, helps remind me that there's a lot of stuff i need to look up again cause it seems i've forgoten alot...i blame college, i've got one of the brians that has a capacity of what it can remember and if i learn something new old stuff is "deleted", looks like what i learned in college this past year was at the expense of my Wolverine knowlegde:shakehead
  21. what event was that for? i can relate, at least his moves are better than mine :p though i bet like me, he'd kill in a mosh pit, haha
  22. Maybe i'm gettin my memory confused, but wasn't "Weapon X" what Wolverine became known as when he joined "Team X"? Oh wait i think i remember it now...was it Team X that was also helping with fusing his bones with the metal? But he ended up with amnesia(sp?) and forgot about them...or and i confusing myself. As for whats in your spoiler box...good point, i never thought much of that. Also on that same page where i copped that (apparently) Omega Red is in X3 it said a character called "Kid Omega", who was the guy who could become like a porcupine that was hangin out with Calisto...i don't know this character from the comic but i looked it up and the Kid Omega in the comic has powers no near similar to what the one in the film does, now that is fracked up. In the comics he was pretty powerful( telepathy and such, like Jean) and even became Phoenix like himself Also i'm almost sure Calisto didn't have super speed in the comics, in fact i didn't even know that was meant to be Calisto in the film until i saw the credits while waiting for the clip at the end..where was the signature eye patch?
  23. Personally i thought the 1st was really good, in fact i never saw it in the cinema cuz i thought there was no way they could have done it right, but when it was first shown on Sky Movies i said i'd give it view to see how it was and i loved it. On a "Wolverine: Weapon X" film, thats a good idea but from how his character was set up in the 1st 3 (and yes i do think they would have to make it fit in with them) i don't think he ever went through the "Weapon X" thing after getting the adimantium skeleton, plus they'd have to have Sabretooth in it, and it's obvious in the 1st film that those two have zero backstory togther. On Omega Red, oddly i just noticed that here http://uk.imdb.com/title/tt0376994/fullcredits apparently he was in the 3rd? (his the second last name on the cast list). I don't remember seeing anyone that could have been Omega Red? Jubliee is also on the list someone i also don't remember (i was actually hoping she'd get a bigger part also, i got a soft spot for Jubilee). Perhaps they got cut out of the final cut?
  24. Yeah i wish Rapture would have been able to get it, they would have shown it intact, but because Jetix have a much younger target audiance a lot things might be "inapropriate", i mean look how badly they (as Fox Kids) and Cartoon Network raped shows like Sailor Moon, Vision of Escaflone, Dragonball Z and a few others (its late, i tired, brain not work too good to think of more), all were edited to suit the channels "young" audience. At least when Manga Entertainment release the DVDs it will/should be all intact and with the original Japanese dub:hehe:
  25. i just watched "The Making of X-Men 3" on MTV and it ended with the question of weather there could be more films and all the actors thought while this was a good "ending" for the series more films are not imposible. They also questioned the possiblity of spin-off films, with a Wolverine film seeming already in the script writing stages... scary thing is Ratner said he wants to direct it..NO, if ever more films on Xmen are to be made Singer should be the only one allowed touch them, hell it should be put into the UN consitution. I don't see the point of making "solo" films anyway, i mean their still gonna have to have other characters in it anyway, how's it gonna make it that different from not being "X-Men 4". I mean hell 1,2 and 3 are pretty much Wolverine films anyway oh and Jackman seems to have no problems with taking up the role again (and again and again) if need be, hell i think the way he sees it there is no Wolverine character without him....i think he would be right, he owns that role (much like Singer should have owned the directorial rights)
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