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Everything posted by Mokong

  1. No official word on it yet, at the moment thats just speculation from fans due to the WiiConnect24 feature, but you never know, i'd say there a good chance it will happen, its basically what the WiiConnect24 is designed to do afterall
  2. i've never seen Star Wars Kid before that was classic, oh poor guy (don't beat N64 kid though), but getting into Family Guy is kinda cool (i'm assuming he got paid for it?)
  3. Good point but would still be class, and remember it would be for charity:awesome: OH MY GOOOOOOOOOD, i didn't think that kid could get funnier but damn he goes and does it. I wonder where he is know? The N64 release was about 10years ago? So i'm guessin he's 10ish when he got it, so he's prolly round 20 now... i wonder has he seen this on the net ... and owned up to it, haha:bowdown:
  4. haha, cheers guys, was just think more on this it would be cool if for when (if) Nintendo annoucned the inclusion of Sonic they did this, imagine a room full of games jornos, watching the fight, making bets, cheering and crying when their choosen character does good and bad. Nintendo and Sega could collect sponsorship for the fight and donate what they make to charities for "prevention of hedgehog roadkill" and "retired plumbers"
  5. If it is an FPS Resi it at least better not be "on-rails" like Gun Survivor *shudder* and the story better be damned good and fit into the main story arc, especially if we're not gonna get RE5 on the Wii
  6. If it does happen and Sonic is in it, for an unbiased match i'm gonna set up a one-on-one fight, Mario vs Sonic, have both controlled by the console, set rules to like first to 50 KO's or something, get some popcorn and sit back as if it were a pay-per-view boxing match:grin:
  7. its not photoshopped, Spielberg was definately there hanging around with the Nintendo big wigs...as for Miyamotos hand...he's just very skinny, i don't think he eats much and prolly spends all his time working :p As for why Spielberg was there, who knows maybe he's gonna direct the Animal Crossing anime film, haha
  8. November 3rd? And what happens should the release date be before that and you don't know because you're not looking up news?
  9. Peter Moore said buy a PS3 and Wii? Ok, poort Phil must be stoned or something, trying to get over the lack of excitement the PS3 made at E3. At least when Moore said buy and 360 and Wii it makes sense, and he justified it (price wise, cost of PS3 = cost of 360 +Wii). But there isn't much justification for why people should buy a PS3 and Wii... assuming cost being the main deciding factor of course
  10. ok it seems like something has managed to get under my radar... could someone please explain?
  11. haha, well he is only human...for now, Ash would have been the main guy behind the forum stuff, but that not taking anything away from the other mods/admins, i think the team did a bang up job and the members of course had their hand in making this one of the best E3 experiences ever. I too have had a great time, one of the most stand out moments has to be the Sony Confernece delay, and of course the rest of the week was all so awesome. Thanks to the members for your contribution......and this thank you thread:grin:
  12. No, i want online Multiplayer modes :'( Oh yeah, *drool* hhmm..kinda cool, but i loved the weapon switching in one and two... NOOOOO:shakehead , the difficulty is perfect, hell it could even be a bit harder still, they should at least have different settings for it, easy (for those who can't take the heat) and normal (the same as 1 and 2) to start and (very) Hard unlocked on finishing normal ha, losers :p
  13. Yeah but it didn't travel through walls like in the 2d versions. If it was in MP3:C in conjuction with the X-ray visor that would be really cool:bouncy: The description of the games story says that Dark Samus and the Space Priates are "corrupting" a "number" of planets with Phazon. The game might take place over a few planets and who knows maybe Kraids one will be on it. I'd love to see Mother Brain come back, at the end of MP1 when you enter the final boss room and they made it look like it was Mother Brian i was so excited, but then it turned out it wasn't and was a bit disapointed...but the boss was still very kick ass.
  14. After seeing that i just got the idea that they could have Master Hand and Crazy Hand holding these when you fight them. Remember if it happens you heard it here first:indeed: And i've seen people mention a Goron character, that would be cool, but hw come noone said a Zora character, Zora Link in Majoras Mask was hyper cool:yay:
  15. Your dad went to E3 and didn't take you? Shame on him
  16. I actually think the castle in the 1st pic is meant to be Princess Peaches castle, it seems to have a similar shape and the red tiles on the tower tops are the same as in the N64 and GC. But yeah the other two with Link and Mario fighting inside (a seperate castle) definatly seems to be a Fire Emblem theme from the emblem in teh background, i hope this means Marth and Roy are still in it. Roy rules:yay:
  17. Here's one i found on YouTube when someone walked the enitre queue line, damn its long http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mFQz98jAcg8 And here's someone singing a song (in Portuguese) about this years E3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1UZ-D1D-998&search=E3%20Nintendo%20Wii%20Kotaku%20videogame Can someone translate? And God himself (Miyamoto-san) justifying the Wii name to Kotaku http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pw2Ln30x31E&search=E3%20Nintendo%20Wii%20Kotaku%20videogame
  18. I just seen that on YouTube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mFQz98jAcg8 Its freakin amazing, all the trafic is racing to the Nintendo booth (actually amazed i still saw people walking...but it was still towards the Wii), the Sony reps at the end was funny, i can only imagine what would be going through their minds after seeing that. If i was there i'd prolly try get a pair of roller blades with mini rockets attached, haha
  19. It has to be the Wii, i'd surprised if when all the various awards are annouced if the Wii and its games are getting only a few. From the conference to the hype around teh booths and the amount of people playing (and enjoying) the games and the controller, surely Wii is a sure winner. There is also a poll on Gamefaqs today. "Which systems Games most impressed you at this years E3?" at time of writing Wii has a comanding lead of over 1100 votes over the PS3:yay: Wii - 57.43% (21132) PS3- 26.68% (9817) 360- 10.11% (3719) PC - 2.63% (968) DS - 2.3% (845) PSP- 0.85% (312)
  20. Mokong


    Well my prediction of how the trailer would play out was kinda right, i thought there would a transition from "playing the game" to "being in the game" but they started off already "in the game". The trailer was actually a let down, too short and little (or no game footage). I actually still think the "flames and shovel" bit is in-game (i don't see why they would obscure the face of the character if it wasn't, also the part just after when she slits someones throat and you only see a silhouete(sp?) of the character (with knife) and the victim falling is also in-game. Also... what the hell was that "creature" at the start:woops: When the game is ready and they are making adverts they should definatly use that line..... actually now that i think of it, that trailer would make for a good advert. True:D
  21. Strange as it sounds Mircosofts Peter Moore believes gamers will/should buy a Wii over the highly priced PS3. In a recent interview with Reuters he said: "Tell me why you would buy a $600 PS3? People are going to buy two [machines]. They're going to buy an Xbox and they're going to buy a Wii for the price of one PS3. People will always gravitate toward a competitively priced product, like what I believe Wii will be, with innovative new designs and great intellectual property like Mario, Zelda and Metroid."
  22. I've only just come home, this is great news, the way they introduced Snake was amazing, making it seem like it was over and then the codec convo comes in. I'd say the press gettin the first veiwing went into shock. Is there a video of when they showed it to the press, i'd love to see their reactions. The "super" moves Mario, Link and Kirby did looked awesome, and Marios one reminds me of DBZ, haha. The music in the trailer was great and for some reason reminded me of Battle Royale.... I hope the new characters aren't replacing any from SSBM, i hope all 26 from SSBM are kept and then we get loads of new ones also, hell we could prolly get 40 characters As for a 3rd party character i'd like to see (maybe its already been said but i haven't read all this thread), i think Ubisoft should give them Jade from Beyond Good and Evil, she'd work so great in this game. Oh and of course Sonic would be a great addition, could the greatest battle in games history finally take place? I think if he was gonna be it a great way to annouce it would be in another trailer similar to this 1st one, a number of character (incl. Mario) having an epic battle, Mario emerges the winner, then trhough the dust a shadow appears, Mario looks up to see it and says "It's about Time", the shadow comes out of the dust and its Sonic and says "I've waited a long time for this", both jump towards each other with punches and the trailer frezzes as they are inches from each other and ends. And with Snake in this i wonder how long till MGS Wii is annouced (maybe even MGS4?)
  23. The problem with that gun though is you won't have the seperate motion sensor movement that the nun-chuck has, which looking at Red Steel and Metriod Prime 3 will become essential of rFPS games. Also didn't IGN make a mock-up of that months ago?
  24. OMG, this was one of the first things i dreamed of when i first saw the Wiimote, and its actually gonna happen. I'm literally crying tears of joy here, this is brilliant. They really should have shown this at the conference imagine the ovation they would have gotten! and i got the slogan *picture, open feild in background, tree in foreground to the left, poster on it with pixelated duck from the orginal NES game, with the words... "Dunk Hunting Season Is Open Once More" And in the distance behind the tree you can just make out the dog holding up a dead duck. (actually that last part might offend the animal rights people...if not the whole game now that i think about) I think for reasons of mass nostalgia(sp?) they should bundle this with Mario Galaxy like how it was on the same cart with Super Mario Bros. in the NES days.
  25. I think i just wet my pants...... :p I think this will be like RE4 with the Wiimote controls (like shootin the arrow in Zelda) i don't see them doing something like the survivor games. *big long long shot - most likely won't happened but what the hell* Imagine they decided to try once more a gamble on Nintendo and it was RE5 Wii exculsive.... and then will end up on PS3 a year later :p *end big long long shot - most likely won't happened but what the hell*
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